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2. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–G и заголовками 1–8. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. 1. An independent project
2. President’s nickname
3. Loved by everyone
4. What’s the connection?
5. Inventive people
6. A noble deed
7. A new brand
8. A true friend
A. Today we can hardly imagine our world without this eager listener and loyal friend, the teddy bear. But how did he come into creation? Why is it called Teddy? Why not Harry or Joe or Jane? The story goes back to 1902, when Theodore Roosevelt was President of the United States. The President was called Theodore, but the press and the people fondly called him Teddy. He didn’t like the name, but accepted it. It made him seem more informal to the people he served.
B. In November 1902, President Roosevelt, visiting Mississippi, decided to go out hunting for the day. After several hours he still hadn’t had anything. Then one of his helpers discovered a lost bear cub wandering through the woods. Catching it, he tied it to a tree — here was the President’s trophy for the day! But Roosevelt couldn’t bring himself to shoot the cub, and ordered it to be set free.
C. The newspapers were filled with cartoons depicting him with a bear. The story became legend. The cartoon was seen by Mr. and Mrs. Michtom, who owned a candy store in New York. Using one of the cartoons as a guide they quickly made a little toy bear cub. They put it in their shop window with a handwritten notice saying ‘Teddy’s Bear’.
D. The Bear was such a hit with the public that the Michtoms designed and produced a bear to be presented to the White House, accompanying a request to use the President’s name for their toy bears. Roosevelt gladly gave his permission. The rest is history! The Bears sold like wildfire, and within a year, the Michtoms closed their candy store, and founded the Ideal Novelty and ToyCo — still one of the biggest toy firms in the world.
E. Meanwhile across the ocean, in Germany Richard Steiff was working for his aunt, Margaret Steiff, in her toy business. Richard, a former art student often visited the Stuttgart Zoo to draw animals. In 1902, the Steiff firm made a toy bear based on Richard’s designs. This bear first appeared at the 1903 Spring Toy Fair at Leipzig, but nobody seemed interested. It was only as Richard was packing away the stand at the end of the fair, that an American toy buyer, who knew about the growing interest in ‘Teddy’s bears’ in the States, came up to him and ordered 3000 bears to sell them in the US.
F. Within a few years of invention, Teddy Bearmania had swept the world. In America, society ladies carried their teddies everywhere, and children had their pictures taken with their favourite toys. Roosevelt adopted the bear cub as his mascot for a successful reelection campaign.
G. Since then the Teddy Bear has become popular all over the world. It is courageous, wise and peaceful, and always willing to listen — a true comforter in times of trouble. Over the years, the toy has taken many shapes and varieties, but it remains a teddy bear, named after a president who wouldn’t kill a bear cub on a hunting trip.

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Spices diversity of wild animals differs greatly from one region of the world to another one. Almost all the world’s largest animals live in southern countries, where there is enough food and the weather conditions are more or less even throughout the year. For example, the biggest terricole is the African bush elephant, which inhabits vast savannas of this continent. The highest animal in the world is the giraffe, which also lives in Africa. Both the giraffe and the elephant are herbivorous, i.e they eat only plant food. Interestingly, the world’s largest carnivore lives in the Arctic. It is the polar bear, which is considered to be one of the largest, heaviest and the most dangerous wild animals. Its diet consists mostly of fish and small marine animals. And as for the biggest marine mammal, it is, of course, the blue whale. . To my mind, the most unusual wild animals live in Australia. It is, for example, the kangaroo – the most well-know marsupial mammal, which breeds the young in the pouch. It is also a koala bear – a sluggish wooly animal which is often called the symbol of Australia. Finally, Australia is home for the emu, the second largest flightless bird in the world.. As for my homeland, the most famous Russian wild animal is, of course, the bear. Also in vast taiga forests one can meet wolves, foxes, hares, squirrels, wild pigs, roe deer, and so on. Some of them can be rather dangerous, especially in mating season.
4,8(79 оценок)
The official date of opening of the Cathedral is October 20, 1708 — birthday of architect Rena (the day he turned 76 years old), but the actual service at the Cathedral commenced on 2 December 1697. Before commencing construction, the Ren actually had three completely alter the project. The first project intended to build on the Foundation of the burned-out fourth Cathedral new big Church. This project was rejected almost immediately — apparently the authorities wanted something more grandiose. The second project involved the construction of a Church, having in view the plan of a Greek cross. This project was worked out in detail — suffice it to say that up to the present time preserved is executed in scale 1:24 layout of this Cathedral, which today is exhibited in the Cathedral of St. Paul. However, this project was also rejected as too radical. The third project of Ren involves the construction of a rather large Church with a dome and two towers with belfries. This project was approved, and in June 1675 the construction work began. However, soon after king Charles II re-claimed for the project and ordered changes, which he described as decorative. These decorative change was a large dome, made to St. Paul's Cathedral one of the biggest London attractions. It is generally accepted that the dome of the Cathedral was very similar to the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

Under the dome there are three galleries: the internal whispering gallery and exterior stone and Golden gallery. Whispering gallery owes its name not provided by architects, especially its acoustics: a word even spoken in a whisper, at one end of the gallery, repeatedly reflected its walls, causing a murmur could hear people on the other end of the gallery.

In the steeples of the Cathedral are 17 bells, 13 of them in the North-West tower and 4 (including the bell Big Paul (eng. Great Paul) and Large Volume (eng. Great Tom) — in the South-West tower.
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