Уменя есть хобби - баскетбол. я занималась в течение 5 лет. я его любила. 3 раза в неделю играю в баскетбол с тренером и мои друзья. на следующей неделе это будет важным для конкуренции или команды. мы назвали "" я думаю, у нас есть большие шансы выиграть. мои мама и папа всегда приходят посмотреть на наши игры и слушать нас. они действительно мне. я думаю, что баскетбол - это круто спорта. это действительно интересные, удивительныеi have a hobby is basketball. i worked for 5 years. i loved him very much. 3 times a week and play basketball with the coach and my friends. next week it will be important for competition or command. we named "" i think we have great chances to win. my mom and dad always come to watch our games and listen to us. they really help me. i think that basketball is very cool sport. it's really interesting, amazing.
My favorite sport is basketball. As you already know it’s very hard to play basketball seriously if you’re always playing against tall people. Even know I’m not that bad at it, at least because I’m training very often. Basketball is really interesting and great sport for your physical heath. In basketball you have to run, jump and control the ball very good. After at least after a month training, you will be able to do all this things. Since you already know how to do them, basketball will turn for you into a really nice hobby or main sport. In custody I want to say that basketball is a really nice hobby that can help you at least with your physical health.
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