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26.01.2021 13:01 •  Английский язык

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя герундий. 1. Мы оставили мысль когда-нибудь увидеть ого. 2. Он жалуется на то, что мы к нему не при шли. 3. Мама возражает против того, что он читает в постели. 4. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы пригласить их. 5. Продолжайте обсуждать этот вопрос. 6. Она жаловалась на то, что у нее нет денег. 7. Я не могу не опаздывать на первый урок. 8. Вы не возражаете, если я возьму вашу ручку? 9. Я не одобряю того, что вы играете в карты. 10. Его обвинили в том, что он ограбил дом. 11. Он бросил курить год назад. 12. Она боялась разговаривать с директором.


1. We have given up the idea of seeing him again.

2. He complains about our not coming to him.

3. My mum is against his reading in the bed.

4. I insist on inviting them.

5. Keep on discussing that matter.

6. She complained about not having money.

7. I can't help being late for the first lesson.

8. Do you mind my borrowing your pen?

9. I don't approve of your playing cards.

10. He was accused of robbing a house.

11. He gave up smoking a year ago.

12. She was afraid of talking to director.

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1. What nicer present is there than a box of chocolates? 
2. This is the most wonderful and most beautiful picture that has ever come out of Hollywood. 
3. Frieda is older than Hans; she is the oldest of the family. 
4. Summer is warmer than winter. 
5. Summer is the warmest of the four seasons. 
6. London is bigger than Manchester. 
7. Manchester is smaller than London. 
8. Frieda is prettier than her sister. 
9. Lucille is slimmer than she was a year ago. 
10. Winter in London is foggier than in Paris. 
4,4(48 оценок)
Выберите правильные артикли(отсутствие артикля обозначается знаком 0): a. the;     b. a(an);     c.0
1. Open…door, please. A
2. There is… picture on page 20. B
3. There are… flowers on the table. C
4. Where is…your plan? C
5. What colour are …walls in your room? A
6. Are those… English books? C

Выберите правильные предлоги (отсутствие предлога обозначается знаком 0):
7. Why are standing in the in the corridor? Come …, please.
a. in; b. into; c. out of; d.0

8. Who is …duty today?
a. of; b. in; c. on; d. for

9. I am fond of listening… these records.
a. 0; b. in; c. on; d. in  (TO должно быть).

10. …what language are you speaking?
a. at; b. 0 ; c. on; d. in

11. There is a picture …the sofa.
a. round; b. in ; c. on; d. over (как вариант и С может быть)

12. There are a lot of flowers… the building of our institute.
a. around ; b. after; c. for ; d. with

13. Mary is writing… chalk on the blackboard.
a .for; b. with ; c. around ; d. of

14. The desk is …the wall.
a. in; b. with ; c. on; d. at

15. Tom is giving… me the book.
a. to; b.0 ; c. for ; d. after

16. They are not showing any designs…us.
a. for ; b. into; c. 0 ; d. to

Выберите правильный глагол: a. is ; b. are; c. am; d. was
17. There… ten pens and a magazine on the table.  B
18. There …many cars in front of the house. B
19. Who…speaking? A
20. What… you doing? B
21. I…very sorry. C
22. Our class…over. A или D

Выберите необходимые модальные глаголы:
23. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid, I…read without glasses.
 a. Can not ; b. may not ; c. won’t able to

24. The police, fire-fighters, newspaper reporters…work on holiday in the USA.
 a. could; b. might; c. must

25. …you…get up early yesterday to meet the delegation at the airport?
a. Did…have to ; b. Had…to ; c. Have had

26. … you like a cup of coffee?
 a. Should ; b. Would; c. Could

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:
27. There are (мало) foreign students in our institute.
a. few; b. many; c. some; d. a lot of

28. Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the ground floor.
a. my; b. me; c. mine; d. I

29. Whose map is this? It’s (его).
а. him; b. his; c. he; d. hers

30. Give me ( какой-нибудь) magazine, please.
а. few ; b. some; c.a few; d. anything

31. Their institute is in N. street, (наш) is in centre of the city.
a. our; b. we; c. ours; d. us

32. Say it(повторите), please.
a. again; b. through ; c. to; d. only

33. Ask (его) about his new flat.
a. him; b. his; c. her; d. he

34. (Его) daughter is seven years old.
 a. he; b. his; c him ; d. her

35. (Ее) parents are pensioners.
a. his; b. she; c. she; d. their  (HER должно быть)

36. Tom is telling (нам) about his work.
 a. them; b. we; c. our; d. us

37. Show (им) the plan of our work.
a. they; b. their; c. them; d. us

38. The room is big, but (ее) windows are not large.
a. their; b. its; c. her; d. our

39. Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.
 a. a few b. many c. much d. a little

40. She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons
a. my; b. our; c. his; d. her

41. (Почему) are you late?
a. Why; b. Because; c. who; d. what

42. (Их) children are at home.
a. them; b. their; c. they; d. our

43. His children are so nice. I am fond of (их).
a. them; b. their; c. they; d. him 
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