We did an experiment in chemistry, we spent a lot of time doing it. We didn't sleep at night and got a lot of stress. But we found a solution to this problem and cheered up with fresh coffee. After drinking a cup of coffee, our brain worked so energetically that we completed the experiment in a day. It was quite dangerous to do it at home, so we did this experiment outside. Then everyone got normal grades
9. Давать советы по использованию следует / не следует или следует / не следует. 1) Я часто опаздываю в школу. → Вам следует рано вставать, чтобы пойти в школу. . 2) Некоторые из моих одноклассников получают очень плохие оценки в школе. 3) Мне нужно выучить английский намного быстрее. 4) Мой брат не знает, что делать после школы. 5) Мне скучно, когда у меня много свободного времени. 6) Территория нашей школы грязная. 7) Моя сестра пристрастилась к мобильному телефону. 8) Я очень переживаю, потому что уроки в школе для меня слишком трудны.
John was a scientist and he wanted to make a dangerous and unusual experiment. Its goal was to find out how many days a normal person can stay without sleep. He was looking for volunteers but everything was in vain.
He decided to make himself. He started his experiment on Monday and on Wednesday he felt exhausted and very sleepy. On Friday he had to finish it because he began to see hallucinations and his brain became very stressed. But John was pleased with results.