Salesman: The gray and pink one?
Woman: No, the blue one.
Salesman: Oh! The man’s sweater.
Woman: That’s right. It’s for my husband. What colours does it come in?
Salesman: We have navy blue, light green and pale blue.
Woman: Do you have a navy blue one in extra large?
Salesman: Let’s see … small, medium, large … oh yes, here you are. Extra large. It’s a good quality sweater. 100% wool, made in Italy.
Woman: Sure. I’ll take it. How much is that?
Salesman: Eighty-nine dollars and ninety-five cents.
20. С)
21. А)
22. Е) ?
23. С)
24. В)
25. А)
26. А)
27. В)
? – не уверен.