Crusoe realizes he's all alone with no supplies, only a "knife, a tobacco-pipe, and a little tobacco in a box" – he proceeds to have a meltdown (41). after finding water, crusoe climbs up a tree to sleep and rest. waking, crusoe decides he needs supplies, so he swims out to the still intact ship. (it wasn't torn to bits by the waves after all.) crusoe snags food, clothes, spirits, tools, ammunition, and arms. he then makes a raft out of some of the ship materials and floats them all back to shore. crusoe, even though he knows nothing of the land or where he is, must now figure out where to set up camp. surveying the land, he sees that the island is barren and, he guesses, uninhabited. he builds a hut on the shore. crusoe makes another trip out to the ship for supplies. he fortifies his hut area by adding a tent, and then finally goes to sleep. crusoe continues to make daily trips out to the ship to strip it of any useful supplies. after thirteen days, he has made eleven trips back to the ship. on his last trip to the ship, he finds gold and silver. he starts to take the money, but a storm rises up and he swims back to shore. the next morning, the ship has completely sunk.
1. he owns a very expensive house. he must be a rich person. 2. i could swim well when i was a child. i even won the school championships. 3. you needn't go to the grocery store. we have some milk in the fridge. 4. i couldn't find my keys. i probably left them at my mother’s place. 5. you mustn't buy the tickets. i got two for free from dad. 6. she didn't need speak so rudely to her parents. 7. the teacher always tells us we mustn't cheat during a test. 8. i couldn't stop laughing. the joke was so funny. 9. i can't look at you. you’re so dirty. what were you up to? 10. can you turn down the volume? – it’s too loud.
Nobody is playing the guitar in the hall now.
Is anybody playing the guitar in the hall now?
I'm not waiting for my friend in the corner of the street now.
Am I waiting for my friend in the corner of the street now?
The pupils are not asking their teacher questions now.
Are the pupils asking their teacher questions now?
I'm not repairing TV set now.
Am I repairing TV set now?
David is not driving his new car now.
Is David driving his new car now?
The children aren't watering flowers in the garden now.
Are the children watering flowers in the garden now?
He isn't sitting in the library now.
Is he sitting in the library now?
Nan is not sweeping the floor in the dining-room now.
Is Nan sweeping the floor in the dining-room now?
The women aren't speaking Italian now.
Are the women speaking Italian now?