2. Are you in some sort of trouble? Yes, in a way. I'm in debt and my creditors want to be paid the end of the month, and at the moment I haven't any money in the bank.
3. The driver skidded into the tree, the windscreen was smashed and the driver was cut in the face by splinters of glass.
4. Four people were injured in the demonstration. Three of them are students from the university, the fourth is here on holiday. That's him over there with his arm in plaster.
5. This picture was painted by Picasso, and there's another Picasso on the opposite wall.
6. The horse suddenly stopped and the rider fell off. He couldn't get up without help because there was nobody in sight.
7. The children quickly changed into bathing clothes and jumped into the river with shouts of delight.
8. We'll have to go by car; we can't go bus becausе of the bus strikе.
9. Drivers breathing _?_ a mixture of helium and охудеn can work in a depth of 100 metres.
10. I'm tired of working in the suburbs, and I've asked to be transferred to our central branch.
1. We aren't from Oxford.
2. Is your teacher French?
3. My brother's name is Jamie.
4. Where are you from?
5. He's a footballer. His name is David.
6. My friend is not Mexican.
7. I have got two sisters. Their names are Lucy and Sarah.
8. It isn't interesting. It is boring.
9. My parents' names are Helen and Rob.
А сейчас грамматика1. You, we, they + aren't
He, she, it + isn't
2. Неправильный порядок в предложении. Сначала идёт вс глагол (is для he, she, it), дальше - субъект, дальше - всё другое
Am/Are/Is + I/You, we, they/He, she, it + ... ?
3. В притяжательном падеже в английском (Possesive Case) ставим 's в конце существительного (кому что-то принадлежит). Это если единственное число.
4. Как в 2) - неправильный порядок.
Вс слово (здесь where) + am/are/is + I/you, we, they/he, she, it + ... ?
5. Думаю, из перевода всё понятно: "Он футболист. Её зовут Дэвид" )
6. 2, 4 - неправильный порядок. Также ставим not, так как "не", а не "нет"
7. "У меня есть две сестры. Её зовут Люси и Сара" ❌
8. Нужно поставить 'it'. Вс глагол не должен быть сам.
9. Похожая ситуация с 3. Но здесь - "родители" (мн. ч.), поэтому в конец предложения просто ставим '
Fill in articles where necessary .
1. Maral has taken a cold shower and is going to dress .
2 . Let me have a look at your translation .
3. My parents are still [in] the town .
4. How long does it take you to do the homework ?
5. I always clean a room with the vacuum cleaner