Gorky Park is the central park of Kharkiv, where, by the way, you can not only walk along the beautiful alleys and cobbled paths, but also ride plenty of extreme attractions, have fun on dance floors and even demonstrate your physical fitness at various sports facilities.
Вот перевод:
Парк имени Горького — центральный парк Харькова, где, к слову, можно не только прогуляться по красивым аллеям и мощеным дорожкам, но и вдоволь накататься на экстремальных аттракционах, повеселиться на танцплощадках и даже продемонстрировать свою физподготовку на различных спортивных объектах
Парк Горького в Харькове создан для комфортного и незабываемого отдыха посетителей всех возрастов. Здесь размещены кафе и рестораны, беседки, фонтаны, футбольные, баскетбольные, волейбольные поля, и, конечно, захватывающие дух аттракционы для детей и взрослых
Gorky Park in Kharkov was created for a comfortable and unforgettable stay for visitors of all ages. There are cafes and restaurants, gazebos, fountains, football, basketball, volleyball fields, and, of course, breathtaking attractions for children and adults.
1)This purse was left in a classroom yesterday
2)The purse was found by cleaner
3)Over 1000 new houses were built last year (by us)
4)1500 houses are being built this year
5)Hot meals are served until 10:30 pm(by us)
6)Coffee and sandwiches can be ordered up to 11:30 (by guests)
7)All sorts of things are left in buses by passengers
8)The things are collected by the conductors
9)The things are sent to the Lost properly Office by the conductors
10)Ill man was taken to the hospital by an ambulance
11)People are killed and injured on the roads every year by drunk drivers
12)The warehouse is wared by dogs
13) A thief was seen and chased by a dog
14)The police was called by the watchman
15)The man was arrested by the police
16) A new pair of shoes were bought by Tom
17)Tom was helped by them
18)Our older car was bought by Jack
19)This dress is washed by you,but it can be dried ,cleaned
20)The man was tried by the court , found him guilty, and he was sent to prison
В каких-то моментах ,я употребила "by" ,который служат для наименование предмета от которого мы зависим ,в скобках.Т.к. в пассивном залоге не важно кто выполняет действие ,а важно на кого оно наказано.Где не взять в скобки - лучше не убирать,потому что потеряется смысл.Надеюсь ,что .