"Let's get ready, kids!" said Dad, in Saturday morning. "As soon as we're packed up, then we're off!" They all helpet load up the car. First, they put in the tent - it was a big one for the whole family. Then the sleeping bags and blankets. It's cold at night, when you're sleep in a tent. Then they packed the cooking equipment, and lots of food to cook. When everything was packed, the car was full to bursting. The Hobson family just managed to squeeze in. Soon they were leaving the city behind them. "Luk at the hills!" said Dad. "Look at the heather on the moors!" They drove up a winding road with no houses until they reached the turning for the campsite. It belonged to a farm and was in a big field. There was views out over the moors, and lots of space for people to pitch their tent. Нужно найти ошибки в тексте найдите
Past Simple Nicotine was a one of the strongest vegetable poisons . Smokers more frequent were ill on the on the lung fever, tuberculosis and other diseases . Physical and psychological dependence on nicotine developed far quickly than from an alcohol.
Future Simple Nicotine will be a one of the strongest vegetable poisons . Smokers more frequent will be ill on the on the lung fever,tuberculosis and other diseases . Physical and psychological dependence on nicotine will develop far quickly than from an alcohol .
Once upon a time there lived a king. Когда-то давным-давно жил-был король. He lived in a beautiful palace and he liked cheese. Он жил в красивом дворце, и ему нравился сыр. Everyone in the country could smell that cheese. Все в стране могли чувствовать запах того сыра. The mice lived in the palace and ate the king's cheese. Мыши жили во дворце и тоже ели сыр короля. The king called his wise men to help him. Король позвал своих мудрецов, чтобы они ему избавиться от мышей. He asked, "How can I get rid of these mice?" Он спросил: "Как я могу избавиться от этих мышей?" "That's easy," the wise men answered. "Это легко"- ответили мудрецы.
"Let's get ready, kids!" said Dad, on Saturday morning. "As soon as we're packed up,
we will be off!"
They all helped to load up the car.
First, they put in the tent - it was a big one for the whole family.
Then they put sleeping bags and blankets. It's cold at night, when you sleep in a tent.
Then they packed the cooking utensils and lots of food to cook.
When everything was packed, the car was full ready to burst. The Hobson family just
managed to squeeze in.
Soon they left the city behind them.
"Look at the hills!" said Dad. "Look at the heather on the moors!"
They drove up the winding road with no houses until they reached the turning for the
campsite. It belonged to a farmer and it was in a big field.
There was a view over the moors, and lots of space for the people to pitch their tent.