There is probably no one who does not like to travel. I'm ready to put my drink on the ground if I want to travel. I love to travel, whether in the countryside or in the city. A person who travels sees the country, sees the land, expands his horizons, and returns home. My dream is to travel, to visit the largest cities of our vast country, because Kazakhstan has a lot of attractions. So far, thanks to my parents, I am gradually realizing this dream. During the summer holidays, we choose a city to spend time with our family and travel there. So far, we have visited the sacred Turkestan, the center of the heavenly Semirechye - Taldykorgan, the southern capital Almaty and the capital of the country Nur-Sultan. Each city has its own unique features. In Turkestan, for example, we visited holy places, drank water from underground wells in the heat, and admired ancient architecture. In the Semirechye region, we walked along the Karatal River, which flows down the mountain, relaxed in the fresh air and admired the beauty of nature. It is a dream to walk in Almaty, the capital of the South, and to taste the world-famous Almaty aport. Among them we climbed to Koktebe and were amazed to see the beautiful Almaty from above. We skated on the world-famous Medeu Ice Rink, watched the next performance of the National Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai, and visited the Art Gallery named after A. Kasteyev. The heart of the country - the city of Nur - Sultan has a lot of attractions, and their number is growing every year. The Baiterek monument, the Khan-Shatyr shopping and entertainment center and the Duman entertainment complex, which have become architectural symbols of independent Kazakhstan, are our family's favorite places to relax.
In the future, I dream of mastering the specialty "Tourism" and traveling not only in the cities of Kazakhstan, but also abroad, and in order to realize this dream, I need to study well and master foreign languages.
1. … is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed.
B. hurricane
2. Найди слово противоположное по смыслу слову drought = засуха
E. flood = наводнение
3. Какое слово синонимично по смыслу слову injured person?
C. victim
4. Которое из этих предложений является безличным?
B. It’s foggy.
5. We are waiting … the emergency services.
A. for
6. Укажи правильно построенное предложение
C. Many people were killed by the volcanic eruption.
7. Everybody … by the terrible news yesterday.
B. was shocked
Этот подросток умеет, и его мама им очень довольна
Том такой же подросток, как и любой другой. Он ходит в школу, делает уроки, встречается с друзьями и обожает заниматься спортом.
Но с 5:30 до 6:30 с понедельника по пятницу Том занимается кое-чем другим. Он готовит ужин для всей семьи: для мамы, папы, младшего брата Джо и старшей сестры Эммы.
"Я думаю, подросткам важно учиться готовить. Математика и английский, конечно, важны, но им нужны также и другие , которые им в сегодняшнем мире."
"Я люблю готовить и думаю, у меня отлично получается. Из моих друзей никто не готовит еду. Но я не знаю почему, ведь это не так сложно и даже очень интересно!"
В Том никак не по дому, и его мама была не очень в восторге от этого. Но сегодня всё по-другому, и она очень довольна.