I want to become an editor. I love walking in libraries and bookstores. I like the smell of books. I especially like the books in hardcover, they are special, they have a soul. The softcover looks alone and they does not attract attention, they may be poorly designed or simply fallen apart. But there are books made with a talent - these books are the most attractive. In bookstores I buy my favorite authors` books, in such a way I express my opinion and respect to the author and the editor. I want to become an editor in order to know that feeling when my author`s book is a bestseller. I would like to discuss with the author the design of the book. What look it should have? Will the book have any footnotes? What color will have the book? I like books, their editing would be my happiness.
1 We aren't going to miss the train,are we? 2 I think I'm going do really badly in the English test tomorrow. 3 Josh is going to sing a song in the school talent contest next week. 4 I'm going to buy a big yacht if I can when I'm older. 5 Sports day is going to be held on the last day of term. 6 Will the concert on Thursday last more than two hours? 7 Will they broadcast the music awards live tomorrow night? 8 According to the timetable, the train for Oxford leaves at 10.15. 9 Is the restaurant opening next Sunday?