5 Match the cities with these countries. Write sentences. 7 England Spain Italy France Japan 7 Rio de laveros in Brazil. 2 Barcelona 4 London 5 Paris 6 Tokyo 2 points each correct answer 10
My summer went great! My family and I traveled to St. Petersburg. Went to museums, zoos, theaters, and more. It was very fun. Next, we went to a water Park called "Tick-tock" lovely name isn't it? To climb the hill, you need to go through almost the 4th floor. almost like a house. Still, it's worth it. We used to skate quite often. Sea of sensations and joy. When going down this hill, there is all dark, only some have little lights that light the way. I really liked this Park. Hopefully next summer we will go again.
My name is Andrey. I’m twelve years old. My favourite season is summer. My holidays began and it’s not necessary to wake up early and go to school. In June of this year I had a rest in the sports training camp. The time I spent there was very interesting and joyous. I made new friends and learnt much. We played football and volleyball. We were taught how to condition us to the cold. We had a shower bath every morning. When my father saw me he said that I’d grown up. In July I spent time with my grandmother and grandfather in their village. My grandfather went fishing and to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries with me. He taught me how to recognize edible mushrooms and orientate in the forest. I helped my grandmother with housekeeping every day. In the evenings I read books or went for a walk with my friends. In August my parents took a month’s holiday and we went to have a rest to the South together. Every day we sunbathed and swam in the sea. The weather was wonderful. We went to watch waterfalls and we were at lake in mountains. I spent my summer well and I was full of impressions.
1. Rio de Janiero is in Brazil
2. Barcelona is in Spain
3. Milan is in Italy
4. London is in England
5. Paris is in France
6. Tokyo is in Japan