My favourite city is London. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Every time I come back here I fall in love with it more and more. This majestic city will win anyone’s heart at once.
In summer you can take a stroll round the city centre. The centre of the city seems to be quite big but, in fact, is rather small. All main places of interest are located very close to each other.
Alleys of Green Park will lead you out to Buckingham Palace. Tower Bridge is located near the Tower of London. Here you can always see lots of tourists.
Busy Oxford Street leads to Hyde Park, where you can enjoy some peaceful moments away from the city bustle. To get from Big Ben to the London Eye you only need to cross Westminster Bridge.
It is hard to believe but you will never get lost here. All those numerous streets and lanes will always take you out to a familiar place.
Ugly outside, but good inside Grew intends, nevertheless, to consolidate the status of the main arch-villain in the world, for which he decides to steal the moon with the help of the army of minions he created. The matter is complicated by competitors who insert high-tech sticks into the wheels, and family circumstances in the form of three orphans, which Grew has to take care of. Гадкий снаружи, но добрый внутри Грю намерен, тем не менее, закрепить за собой статус главного архизлодея в мире, для чего он решает выкрасть Луну при созданной им армии миньонов. Дело осложняют конкуренты, вставляющие высокотехнические палки в колеса, и семейные обстоятельства в виде трех сироток, о которых Грю вынужден заботиться.
Большинство из нас считают Новый год своим любимым праздником. И неудивительно, так как именно этот праздник связывает нас с детством, семьей и чем-то сказочным, в Новый год мы всегда верим в лучшее, загадываем желания, подводим итоги и надеемся на свершения в предстоящем году. Как говорят, чтобы получать, нужно в первую очередь давать. И желая лучшего себе, обязательно нужно пожелать самого доброго своим близким и знакомым.
перевод Most of us consider New Year to be our favorite holiday. And it is not surprising, since it is this holiday that connects us with childhood, family and something fabulous, in the New Year we always believe in the best, make wishes, summarize and hope for accomplishments in the coming year. As they say, to receive, you must first give. And wanting the best for yourself, you should definitely wish the very best to your near and dear ones.
My favourite city is London. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Every time I come back here I fall in love with it more and more. This majestic city will win anyone’s heart at once.
In summer you can take a stroll round the city centre. The centre of the city seems to be quite big but, in fact, is rather small. All main places of interest are located very close to each other.
Alleys of Green Park will lead you out to Buckingham Palace. Tower Bridge is located near the Tower of London. Here you can always see lots of tourists.
Busy Oxford Street leads to Hyde Park, where you can enjoy some peaceful moments away from the city bustle. To get from Big Ben to the London Eye you only need to cross Westminster Bridge.
It is hard to believe but you will never get lost here. All those numerous streets and lanes will always take you out to a familiar place.