everyone in the class looked at Tom. In class, he quietly wrote down the material given by the teacher. But suddenly, his phone rings. And there was playing music, which they love, but I will hang it, some old ladies, from 60 years old. The whole class laughed. And the teacher shouted, said that everyone would calm down, and called Tom to him. The whole class looked at him, expecting the consequences.
Надеюсь, подойдёт:-) удачи!
Everyone in the classroom looked at Tom. He was shy, yet proud of himself. He didn't think it was something special, but everyone in the class was absolutely happy. That cat, who he saved yesterday, was a cat of his classmate, Mia. He just brought him to her yesterday and quickly forgot about his deed. But today she told about this their class teacher, and now he's being treated with ovations and warm words. A simple action for him turned out to be something he can be proud about. What a great way to start his day!