Obviously, London is a great place to see. The first world underground was built in London. London subway is famous all over the world. I want to have a look on it. With the help of London subway you will have a chance to know London.
London contains 4 parts, unlike to each other: the West End, the East End, the City and Westmister. The West End is famous for its various rich shops, reastaurants, museums. It is a part of London for people with a big amount of money. Contrarily, the East End means poverty, working people are its inhabitants. The City is a business place. Here you can find a great amount of offices, companies, business centers. Lastly, Westmister is full of sightseeing attractions.
There are so many places in London to see that it is difficult to mark some most famous, but I’d try to do this. I can’t but mention Big Ben. Practically everybody knows that Big Ben is London famous clock. Far from Big Ben you will see London eye, the biggest one in Europe. It is a unique chance to see London from bird’s eye panorama. It’s height is 135 metres. London eye is one of the biggest in the world. London is famous for Westmister Abbey — a gothic church. It is a traditional place of king’s coronation and deposition. London is rich for its parks. They are loveable and homely. One of them is Guide Park. Here you can have a rest on weekends. It is famous fot it’s oratory corner. The list of London sightseeing attractions can be endless.
Finally I want to say that London is city-fairy tale. This city should visit everyone to broaden his/her outlook.
сад был полон смеющихся и кричащих детей
2. причастие – broken glass
ты не мог бы собрать разбившийся стакан?
3. причастие – woman sitting
женщина, сидящая у окна, встала и ушла
4. причастие – shelves loaded with books
я между полок, забитых книгами
5. причастие – crossing the road
будь осторожен, переходя дорогу
6. причастие – having driven 200 kilometers
Проехав 200 километров, он решил отдохнуть
7. причастие – if invited
если пригласите, то мы придем
8. причастие – having said the truth
я чувствую себя гораздо лучше, говоря правду
9. причастие – smiling
он смотрит на меня, улыбаясь
10. причастие – cut
у нее были ее волосы, отрезанные
11. причастие - built by the best architect in town
построенное лучшим архитектором в городе, здание было великолепно
12. причастие - not having seen each other for ages
не видевшись друг с другом годами, им было много о чем поговорить.