1. expensive beauty products appeal to people's vanity
Explanation: Expensive beauty products are attractive to people because they satisfy their desire to look good and enhance their appearance. Vanity refers to excessive pride in one's appearance.
2. I am trying hard to focus on my school work now that I am in my final year.
Explanation: The person is making an effort to concentrate and pay attention to their schoolwork. Being in their final year emphasizes the importance of their studies.
3. If you have unrealistic expectations, you might be disappointed.
Explanation: Having unrealistic expectations means having expectations that are not based on reality. If someone expects something that is too idealistic or unlikely to happen, they may end up feeling disappointed when it doesn't meet their expectations.
4. It isn't good to be obsessed with losing weight.
Explanation: Being obsessed with losing weight means being overly fixated and preoccupied with the idea of losing weight. This can lead to unhealthy behaviors or mental distress and is generally not recommended.
5. My teacher's remarks were all very positive, and I felt good about my work.
Explanation: The teacher's comments or feedback on the person's work were all positive, which made the person feel good about their efforts and achievements.
6. One's body matures a lot during adolescence.
Explanation: Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. During this time, significant physical changes occur, such as growth spurts and the development of sexual characteristics.
7. "Stop staring at that man! It's not polite."
Explanation: Staring at someone is considered impolite or rude because it can make the person being stared at uncomfortable or self-conscious. It is a social norm to show respect and not invade someone's privacy by staring.
8. The amount of sleep I get affects my energy levels.
Explanation: The quality and quantity of sleep directly impact a person's energy levels. Getting enough sleep is essential for recharging the body and mind and maintaining optimal energy levels throughout the day.
9. The athlete was tall and muscular.
1. Вопрос: "Who did the men watch on the beach?" (Кого мужчины наблюдали на пляже?)
Ответ: Мужчины наблюдали кого-то на пляже. Ответ может быть различным, так как нам неизвестно, кого именно они наблюдали. Чтобы выразить это в ответе, было бы логично сказать: "Мужчины наблюдали некого/кого-то на пляже."
2. Вопрос: "What was Nancy loving to watch?" (Что Нэнси любила смотреть?)
Ответ: Нэнси любила смотреть на что-то. Опять же, ответ может быть различным, так как неизвестно, на что именно она любила смотреть. Можно ответить: "Нэнси любила смотреть на что-то интересное/красивое/забавное."
3. Вопрос: "Who were often having arguments?" (Кто часто ссорился?)
Ответ: Кто-то или некоторые люди часто ссорились. Нам неизвестны конкретные имена, поэтому ответ может быть: "Некоторые люди/друзья/соседи часто ссорились."
4. Вопрос: "Why was James falling?" (Почему Джеймс падал?)
Ответ: У Джеймса была причина для падения. Снова, нам не дано дополнительной информации о причине, поэтому ответ может быть: "У Джеймса были проблемы со здоровьем/он споткнулся и упал."
5. Вопрос: "What was someone knocking three times?" (Что кто-то стучал три раза?)
Ответ: Кто-то стучал именно три раза. Мы не знаем, кто именно стучал и что это могло быть, поэтому ответ может быть: "Кто-то стучал по двери/окну/стене три раза."
6. Вопрос: "Who was Alex inviting to go on holiday?" (Кого приглашал Алекс поехать в отпуск?)
Ответ: Алекс приглашал кого-то поехать в отпуск. Мы не знаем, кого он приглашал, поэтому ответ может быть: "Алекс приглашал своего друга/соседа/родственника поехать в отпуск."
Explanation: Expensive beauty products are attractive to people because they satisfy their desire to look good and enhance their appearance. Vanity refers to excessive pride in one's appearance.
2. I am trying hard to focus on my school work now that I am in my final year.
Explanation: The person is making an effort to concentrate and pay attention to their schoolwork. Being in their final year emphasizes the importance of their studies.
3. If you have unrealistic expectations, you might be disappointed.
Explanation: Having unrealistic expectations means having expectations that are not based on reality. If someone expects something that is too idealistic or unlikely to happen, they may end up feeling disappointed when it doesn't meet their expectations.
4. It isn't good to be obsessed with losing weight.
Explanation: Being obsessed with losing weight means being overly fixated and preoccupied with the idea of losing weight. This can lead to unhealthy behaviors or mental distress and is generally not recommended.
5. My teacher's remarks were all very positive, and I felt good about my work.
Explanation: The teacher's comments or feedback on the person's work were all positive, which made the person feel good about their efforts and achievements.
6. One's body matures a lot during adolescence.
Explanation: Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. During this time, significant physical changes occur, such as growth spurts and the development of sexual characteristics.
7. "Stop staring at that man! It's not polite."
Explanation: Staring at someone is considered impolite or rude because it can make the person being stared at uncomfortable or self-conscious. It is a social norm to show respect and not invade someone's privacy by staring.
8. The amount of sleep I get affects my energy levels.
Explanation: The quality and quantity of sleep directly impact a person's energy levels. Getting enough sleep is essential for recharging the body and mind and maintaining optimal energy levels throughout the day.
9. The athlete was tall and muscular.