• lead unhealthy lifestyle • heavy traffic • constant noise & pollution • convenient public transport shops, cinemas and theatres crowded Lobo streets • high cost of living • low rate of unemployment • high quality lifestyle • fresh air • feeling isolated • peace and quiet • friendly , helpful people • beautiful landscapes high rate of unemployment ПРИДУМАЙТЕ 5 ПРИДЛОШЕНИЯ С ЛЮБЭМИ СЛОВАМИ
Представь, что вы сделали в комнате изменения. Нарисуй картинки. Напиши, что ты изменил. Опиши эти вещи. Используй глаголы из рамочки.(перекрасить, красить, украсить, поставить)
I have painted the door light-brown
I have put my wardrobe on the left near the bookcase
I have painted the floor orange.
I have decorated the wall with the carpet.
I have repainted the floor light-brown.
I have put the carpet on the floor near the wardrobe.
I have put my bed near the desk.
I have put my desk near the window.