1 Some people don't like animals.
Общий: Do some people like animals?
Альтернативный: Do some people like or hate animals?
Разделительный: Some people don't like animals, do they?
Специальный: What don't some people like?
К подлежащему: Who doesn't like animals?
2 This plant is very productive.
Общий: Is this plant very productive?
Альтернативный: Is this plant or factory very productive?
Разделительный: This plant is very productive, isn't it?
Специальный: How productive is this plant?
К подлежащему: What is very productive?
3 He has blue eyes and black hair.
Общий: Does he have blue eyes and black hair?
Альтернативный: Does he or she have blue eyes and black hair?
Разделительный: He has blue eyes and black hair, doesn't he?
Специальный: What does he look like?
К подлежащему: Who has blue eyes and black hair?
1 There is a lot of furniture in this room.
2 There is a work that is called "Study of the nature and causes of the welfare of nations."
3 There is no sense in this report.
4 There is its own economist at our factory.
5 There are many samovars i Tula.
6 There was a serious question raised int the article.
7 There are letters from the manager lying on the table.
1 То the left of the window you (can see) a sofa.
2 He (likes) reading very much.
3 My sister (plays) the piano well.
4 My parents ( have) a flat in a new district.
5 He sometimes gives me English books.
6 Nina's brother has got a piano.
7 I often go to see my friend's family.
8 He works at a factory.
1. Is the ecological situation safe in Russia?
2. What is the greatest love of Russians?
3. What do tourists usually buy in Russia?
4. What are the main dishes of the traditional menu?