ACTIVATE Study the key phrases. Then talk about your routines with a partner Use the key phrases, the activities in exer- cise 1 or your own ideas. KEY PHRASES O Time words on Thursdays / Thursday evenings at the weekend / at night / at (about) seven o'clock in the morning / afternoon / evening once or twice a day / week / month every Friday дайте ответ
1) I am having coffee. Я пью кофе.
2) My fellow-student is reading Exercise II. Мой товарищ-студент читает упражнение 2.
3) We are waiting for the bus to come. Мы ждем, когда придет автобус.
4) They are leaving for London this week. Они уезжают в Лондон на следующей неделе.
5) My friend is crazy. He is constantly playing computer games. Мой друг помешанный. Он постоянно играет в компьютерные игры.
6) Are you going by car? Ты едешь на машине?
7) How long is Carla staying here? Как долго Карла останется здесь?