I don't think that should someone to imitate. Each person is different, everybody is looking for in life its purpose, its own purpose. For someone this choice is obvious, and someone goes a long and difficult path. There are people, which cause of my respect and admiration. It's people, possessing unique knowledge and erudition. For example, players TV game «What? Where? When?»: Maxim Поташев, Alexander Amigos, Andrei Kozlov and others. It is clear that knowledge is not falling out of the sky, that it was the result of a long labor, a huge number of books read.
Another example - hackers. But not in the sense of intruders in computer programs, the creators of viruses. First of all, hackers are highly qualified specialists in computer programming, with innovative thinking. And without such specialists would be hardly possible creation of a network of the Internet, and indeed the world would be different.
The human desire to get new knowledge, to be the expert of a high level, while remaining a normal and decent person, and there is for me an example to follow.
Yuri Gagarin (1934-68) - a Russian astronaut, cosmonaut (1961), Colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union (1961). He made the world's first flight into space aboard the ship "Vostok" 1 hour 48 minutes.
Yuri Gagarin was born March 9, 1934 in Gzhatsk (now Gagarin) Gzhatsk (now Gagarin) District, Smolensk region. His mother, Anna Timofeevna and father, Alexei Ivanovich, were common agricultural workers from the countryside Klushino Gzhatsk district
Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин (1934-68) - российский космонавт, летчик-космонавт СССР (1961), полковник, Герой Советского Союза (1961). Совершил первый в мире полет в космос на космическом корабле «Восток» продолжительностью 1 час 48 минут.
Юрий Гагарин родился 9 марта 1934 года в городе Гжатске (ныне Гагарин), Гжатского (ныне Гагаринского) района, Смоленской области. Его мать, Анна Тимофеевна, и отец, Алексей Иванович, были обычными сельскими тружениками из деревни Клушино Гжатского района.