1 had stopped , falling
2 had finished , came , was reading
3 have been waiting , have not received
4 is , have not come
5 were drinking , rang
6 was looking , felt
7 travels
8 came , was reading , said , would give , took , am reading , will have finished , will give , come
9 have been waiting
10 thanked , delivered
11 had covered , was looking
1 так как есть already и слово came показывает что это past perfect так как действие завершилось до этого .
2 используем past perfect так как он уже сделал домашнее задание , а только потом к нему пришли и в это время он читал ( т.е длительное время )
3 present perfect continuous ( т.к действие началось недавно и все ещё продолжается ) и present perfect так как already и настоящее время
4 глагол to be превращается в is по правилу и present perfect т.к yet
5 past continuous так как длительное действие и past simple
7 так как истина
1. English professor asks what the difference between an active verb and a passive verb is. A student answers that an active verb shows action and a passive verb shows passion.
2. Professor asks if a student can say anything about the freat scientists of the 17th century. A student answers that they are all dead.
3. A motorist asks if he was driving too fast. A policeman replied that he was flying too low.
3. A friend asks what a father's son is going to be when he has passed his final exam. A father answers that his son is going to be an old man.
4. A man asks another man if he is going to Milberry's lecture that day. The other answers positively. The first one gives a piece of advice to not go there because that lecturer is poor. The other one confesses that he is obliged to go, as he actually is that lecturer.
5. A lecturer jokingly advises ladies to emigrate to that part of the world, but then, seeing as one young lady is leaving a room, he adds that this emigration doesn't have to happen in such a rush.
В четвертом и пятом примерах небольшой вольный перефраз, но в любом случае косвенная речь правильная.