a) Charlie, Jenny's dog, is very brave and strong. Choose the correct words, complete the story and say why Charlie was given a medal.
One day Ben and Charlie walked near a river. Ben saw a boy, who jumped into the water and started to swim.
Ben (1) understood that the boy decided to (2) cross the river. He was a good swimmer, but the river was (3) deep, and he began to cry (4) "Help!" Charlie jumped into the water quickly and (5) swam to the boy. The boy was already under the water and the dog had to look for him. For a minute (6) nothing was seen, but then Ben saw the dog's and the boy's heads above the water. Charlie (7) pulled the boy out of the river and was given a medal for (8) courage.
Почему мне нравится жить в городе.
Мне нравится жить в городе. Я не могу жить загородом. Мне очень нравится в городе потомучто я люблю когда много людей, домов, и т. д. Я каждый выходной ездию к бабушке. Мне нравится её улица в городе. По городу я обожаю по пятницам ездить к своей бабушке. Я еду на маршрутке, потом на метро а потом на электричке. На электричке мне нравится больше всего! Мне нравется улица Горбунова где живёт моя бабушка. Она как СССР. Но почему мне это нравется я объяснить немогу. Мне просто очень это нравится!
She asked John when he was going to come.
2) He asked her who her favourite actor was.
3) A man asked me if I had a car
4) My father asked me where I was the day before.
5) Helen asked him if he would be at home.
2. Change the following sentences into reported speech.
1. The spokesman said he couldn’t understand why billiards had been prohibited.
2. Gihan exclaimed they had had too many prohibitions.
3. The young lady said she had not made such a mistake.
4. She said they would go and get some food.
5. Winston Churchill said he woke up at six every day.