1) The South of the United States is commonly known for its warm weather and friendly hospitality.
2) The states of Florida and Georgia are situated to the East of the South.
3) The South is washed by the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, and some parts by Mississippi River.
4) With a population of over 120 million people, the South makes up about 38% of the total population of the United States.
5) The South is often divided into regions such as the Deep South, Appalachia, and the Sun Belt.
6) The states of Texas and Oklahoma are often considered part of the Southwest rather than the South.
Find and correct the TEN mistakes below
Put a check next to the Six sentences that have no mistakes
My brother fell off his bicycle and hurt himself.
Did you see them at the party last night?
I don't know him. What's his name?
Can you see yourself in the mirror?
That robot is amazing it can (?) for itself.
We studied hard for two hours, so we gave ourselves a twenty-minute break.
Did you and Tom enjoy yourselves on your holiday?
My little sister drew this picture by herself. No one helped her.
My arm is broken, so it's not easy for me to dress myself.
Babies can't feed themselves. They are too young.
The kittens played by themselves.
The waiter brought the food to us.
I need to talk to Ms Smith I want to ask her a question about the exam. We watched the movie by ourselves.
They called her and talked to her for ten minutes.