Present Simple - простое настоящее время. Оно показывает действие, которое происходит регулярно, с определённой переодичностью. Так же оно используется для выражения действия без указания определённого времени.
1) I work at home - я работаю на дому.
2) On sunday, we like to fish - по воскресеньям мы любим ловить рыбу.
Как образуется :
To- ставим на второе место после подлежащего. Для 3 лица ( he, she, it) окончание "s" "es", если глагол оканчивается на гласную или "ies", если глагол заканчивается на "y" (to try) (to cry) ( to bury)
Исключение : to be ; you are
Вопросы :
Употребляются формы глагола "to do" ( do/does) + смысловой глагол.
°Do you father like to cook - твой отец любит готовить?
°Do you have time to stop by my place - у тебя есть время зайти ко мне?
А также можно использовать "to do" +смысловой глагол
I do not (don't) work at home - я не работаю дома
No, he does not (doesn't) like to cook- нет, он не любит готовить.
Слова-спутники :
Every day, always, sometimes, usually, often
2 Complete the sentences. Use the past perfect and the past simple in each sentence.
I'd seen (see) the film before, but I watched (watch) it again yesterday.
1 Alice told me that she did not have many hobbies when she was a child.
2 When her neighbours (got) a TV, she (went) round to watch it. She (had not seen) one before.
3 They (had not invented) computers when Alice (was) young.
4 By the time he (was) eighteen, he (had left) school and (found) a job.
5 The band (had not started) playing when we (arrived).
6 In the 1950s, people (wanted) to enjoy themselves because they (had) had a hard time during the war.
state has its own governor, its own police, and its own laws. The present
Constitution was proclaimed in 1787 in Philadelphia. The president is the head of the
whole country and the government and is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed
forces. He makes the most important decisions and chooses the ministers, the members of
his cabinet