He told me that he would come as soon as he was ready. She said that we should know that she had gone to the concert if she was not at home by eight. She said that she would come to the Philharmonic with me if I got tickets. She told us that five years before there had been no people living there at all. He said that he would go skiing on Sunday if he had time. He said that they had finished building that house only the week before. She said that it would be very pleasant when Tom came home. He said that he would do it at once if I liked. She said that her brother had been there early that day. He said that it was a pity I hadn’t come earlier. The lecturer told the students that there would be an interesting lecture at their school the next day. He also said that one of their teachers would speak about Charles Dickens. She said that the year before she had spent her summer vacation in the Caucasus. He said that he had come to live in that town several years before. She told us that she would be reading us a story until it was time to go to bed. He said that he had read all about it in that day’s newspaper.
Меня зовут Света. Я из России. Это большая страна. В ней много городов и ферм. Столица России - Москва. Я живу в этом городе. Это большой город. В Москве улицы широкий и длинные. На улицах ты можешь увидеть множество людей, машин, большие и короткие дома. Некоторым людям нравится жить в стране. В стране ты можешь увидеть зелёные поля и холмы, длинные реки и красивые зелёные сады с яблонями. На ферме много коров, лошадей и овец. Дома в стране маленькие. Наша страна красивая! Приезжай к нам! Большие пожелания(?), Света Белова.