Вставте в предложения friendly beautiful constant fresh low high(2) healthy convenient helpful heavy crowded a. Regular exercise is part of a lifestyle.
b. We were stuck in traffic for several hours.
c. I can't stand cities because of noise and pollution
d. Public transport is often morethan a car in towns.
e. In the summer London is with tourists.
f . Cities usually haverates of unemployment.
ε. Αquality lifestyle should include good healthcare and stable economy.
h. This village is famous for itslandscapes
i I met some , people on my trip to the mountains.
j. Let's go out for some air
k. The cost of living in New York is extremely
I want to do my homework today(Я хочу сделать домашнее задание сегодня)
I will do something really interesting tomorrow(Я сделаю что-нибудь действительно интересное завтра)
She is going to visit a dentist day after tomorrow(Она собирается посетить стоматолога послезавтра)
They went to the party day before yesterday(Они ходили на вечеринку позавчера)
Last wee my best friend and me were at the school(На неделе мой лучший друг и я были в школе)