Swimming has been my favourite sport since I was very small. I learnt to swim when I was just 5 years old. Swimming is a very popular sport; furthermore, it provides individuals with several physical and mental benefits.There are some reasons why swimming is popular. Firstly, swimming is a sport for all age groups; besides, it is a lifetime activity. People can learn to swim as young as 4 or 5 years old or as old as 60 or 70. All it takes is the right instruction and desire to get in the pool. Secondly, swimming is cheap. You don't have to spend much money on it. All you need is just a swimsuit that makes you feel comfortable and a goggle that keeps water from your eyes. Even though you have to buy an admission ticket, it is not so expensive. Anyone can afford to go to swim. Finally, swimming is one of the most popular sports in the world.
Balcony ['bælkənɪ]балкон
Bathroom ['bɑːθruːm]ванная комната
Bedroom ['bedruːm]спальня
Boxroom [bɔksrum]кладовая, чулан
Cellar ['selə]подвал; погреб; подвальный этаж
Cloakroom ['kləukrum] гардеробная, раздевалка
Conservatory [kən'sɜːvətrɪ] оранжерея, теплица, зимний сад
Dining-room ['daɪnɪŋrum] столовая
Downstairs ['daun'stɛəz]низ, нижний этаж здания, нижняя часть здания
Games room [geɪms rum]Игровая комната
Guestroom ['gestrum]спальня для гостей
Utility room [ju(ː)'tɪlɪtɪrum]подсобное помещение, подсобка
Toilet ['tɔɪlət]туалет, уборная
Study /Study room ['stʌdɪ rum]рабочий кабинет