8 Use the adjectives in the list to compare the people in the table. heavy • old tall active sociable . Name/Age Tracy, 14 Paul, 16 Sofia, 17 Height 1.65 metres 1.80 metres 1.55 metres Weight 62 kilos 75 kilos 54 kilos Hobbies tennis, computers, dancing, volleyball, TV, playing shopping, going jogging the guitar to the cinema Friends 8. 12 18 Tracy is heavier than Sofia. Paul is much heavier than Tracy. Tracy isn't as heavy as Paul. Paul is the heaviest of all.
Two physical - geografіchne provisions osoblivostі lito gennoї basis is geologіchnogo rozvitku , relєfu , klіmatu , zalyagannya pіdzemnih i poverhnevih water density rіchkovoї Merezhi , zabolochenіst teritorії , spetsifіka ґruntovogo crooked , i іntensivnіst teritorіalnі osoblivostі antropogennoї dіyalnostі toscho bezposeredno vplivayut on geografіyu Bhagat rіznomanіtnogo Roslin i i Tvaryny svitu Ukrainy . Flora of Ukraine Teritorіya Ukrainy go to Tsirkumburalnoї and takozh chastkovo ( Pivdenny coast Krim ) to Seredzemnomorskoї areas Korealnogo pіdtsarstva Golarktichnogo floristichnogo kingdom i IAW typical for regіonіv roslinnіst name . Roslyn 's World is the Yogo geografіya in Ukraїnі porіvnyano vivchenі . Respublіka vіdnositsya to kraїn s great rіznomanіtnіstyu flora. W 300-350 yew . vidіv vischih Roslyn Zemnoї kulі , napriklad in Ukraїnі nalіchuєtsya 25 Hope yew . , in addition chislі hydrogen - blizko 4 yew . , gribіv i slizovikіv - 15 Hope yew . , lishaynikіv - bіlshe nіzh 1 yew . , mohopodіbnih - mayzhe 800 i sudini verse Roslyn - hope 6.5 yew . vidіv . About bagatstvo i Visoko Vidova nasichenіst Roslyn svitu on odinitsyu ploschі Ukrainy svіdchat takі zіstavlennya . Natural flora sudinnih Roslyn nalіchuє 4523 apparently , todі yak at Bіlorusії - 1460 , Moldovі - 1762 Polschі - 2300 vidіv . In Ukraїnі uniquely bіlsha kіlkіst vidіv pripadaє one rіd - 4.45 ; Do Bіlorusії - 2.66 Polschі - 3.00
" Both candidates are suitable for this position, but I personally believe that the chairman should be Andrew Franks .Andrew more reliable than Sergei. He is very trudalyubiv , he participated in three contests in history, and Sergei only one , but it is well knows English , he participated in two competitions . Andrew also good knowledge of English , I am confident he will cope , I know him well , but always achieve its goal .Sergei is also good as Andrew, he likes to work in a team, and it's a big plus , but sometimes lazy .it was a difficult decision but I am confident that in this competition must take Andrew attended . He is a very intelligent guy , loves challenges so he must take part in the historic competition .
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