Составить небольшой рассказ (примерно 10 предложений), используя любую пословицу, например "a drowning man will catch at a straw" ("утопающий хватается за любую соломинку".)
East or west - home is best. (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше)
Yesterday I was invited by my friend on the party. I was really happy to visit it, because it was very interesting there. We enjoyed the party very much. There were many different crazy activities, some wonderful music and amazing shows. I will really remember this party! But at the end of the day I was really tired! I felt happy, but I didn't even have a chance to rest a bit on the party. So, when I have finally got home, I fell on my sofa, smiling. East or west - home is best, I can say!
Ex. 3. Turn from Active into Passive. 1. The ancient Greeks built the Acropolis. The Acropolis was built by the ancient Greeks. 2. Martin is writing the company report this year. The company report is being writen by Martin this year. 3. Somebody will clean the room tomorrow. The room will be cleaned by somebody tomorrow. 4. They put fresh flowers in the hotel rooms every day. Fresh fowers are put in the hotel rooms every day. 5. Bad weather may delay your flight. Your flight may be delayed by bad weather. 6. They gave Sandy a present. Sandy was given a present. A present was given to Sandy. 7. They think the President is dying. The President is thought to be dying. 8. They made her cry. She was made to cry. 9. The mechanic has repaired the car. The car has been repaired by the mechanic. 10. The bomb destroyed the building. The building was destroyed by the bomb.
Надо найти слова и обвести их кружком: 1. radio (war -война) 2. tv 3 cat 4.circle 5.leg 6. art 7. I + zar 8. plane - самолёт 9. lamp + parrot
w a r a d i o c o a - война + радио - war + radio a t v d e f g o r r - телевизор+ xoдить - tv + go t r c a t h i o a m - кошка - cat c i r c l e g k n c - круг - circle d a j k c d l e g h - нога - leg o n m s q u a r t i - искусство - art l l v w x y s z a r - я царь - I + zar a e r o p l a n e c - аэроплан - a e r o p l a n e p a r r o t l a m p - попугай + лампа - parrot + lamp
Yesterday I was invited by my friend on the party. I was really happy to visit it, because it was very interesting there. We enjoyed the party very much. There were many different crazy activities, some wonderful music and amazing shows. I will really remember this party! But at the end of the day I was really tired! I felt happy, but I didn't even have a chance to rest a bit on the party. So, when I have finally got home, I fell on my sofa, smiling. East or west - home is best, I can say!