FIND-A-FRIEND QUESTIONNAIRE АBOUT YOU 1 Where are you from? 2 How old are you? 3 When's your birthday? YOUR INTERSTS 4 Who are your favourite actors? s What's your favourite film or TV programme? 6 Are you good at sport? 7 How many CDs have you gor? в Who's your favourite sports star? What computer gаmes have you gor? 10 Нave you got а pet?
The temperature conditions of the environment are just as important for plants. Growth and development of each of their kind are possible only under certain thermal conditions. The temperature dependent photosynthesis, transpiration, and other physiological processes, as well as metabolism within the plant. For plants, it is important not only the total amount of heat, but also its distribution in time. Seeds of many plant species is needed for normal development of the period of exposure is relatively low temperatures, which are unfavorable for adult plants. Are not the same needs in the thermal regime and in different periods of plant development, not to mention the fundamental differences between thermophilic and cold-tolerant species. Larch in the Siberian taiga carry the most severe winters, although freeze through. Cactus in the desert of North America can withstand heat up to 60-65 °.
Plants not only suffer the effect of temperature conditions and are forced to adapt to them, but they themselves are changing. Of course, the tree, even more so has little effect on the surrounding area. The situation is different plant community, especially forest plantations. Under its canopy and the temperature and the wind, and all the other elements of climate are very different from the mainstream in the neighborhood, outside edge of the forest. In summer, the dense forest is cooler and wetter winter noticeably warmer than in the field or meadow. Each plant community characterized by its own characteristic for him microclimate. It is extremely important not only for plants but also for animals living here, who find in the woods, bushes and thick grass protection from the sun, rain, strong wind, blizzard, blizzards.In the middle and high latitudes of great importance in the life of plants and animals have snow for months completely covers the ground. Due to the low heat conductivity snow cover protects well hidden beneath the vegetation and animals from severe frosts. Only thanks to the protection of snow in the winter freeze is not many plants, including winter cereals, and some do not cease to grow.