Соединенные Штаты Америки находятся в Северной Америке. Он омывается Тихим океаном на Западе и Атлантическим океаном на востоке. Имеет морские границы с Канадой, Мексикой и Россией.
Ландшафт страны разнообразен: есть горные цепи, равнины, каньоны и пустыни. Самые высокие горы в стране-Скалистые горы или скалистые горы.
В США много озер и рек. Миссисипи, впадающая в Миссури, - самая длинная река в Соединенных Штатах. Она течет на юг и впадает в Мексиканский залив у Нового Орлеана.
Район Великих озер представляет собой систему из пяти Великих озер (озеро Верхнее, озеро Мичиган, озеро Гурон, озеро Эри и озеро Онтарио). Знаменитый Ниагарский водопад расположен в штате Нью-Йорк и является самым большим водопадом в мире.
Климат в США разный. Страна расположена в основном в умеренном и субтропическом поясах.
Соединенные Штаты богаты такими минеральными ресурсами, как уголь, железо, газ, нефть и различные металлы. В Соединенных Штатах тоже есть месторождения серебра и золота.
1. Tomas and Marta were shoping when i called them
2. What was Jane wearing at the party last nigth?
3. Jim wasn't his homework yesterday evening,he use the computer
4.The kind were swimming in the river when it started raining
5.I saw Karen this morning. She was going to the hairdresser
6. It wasn't raining when i got up this morning, but it was cloudy
7. We were living in Paris when we met our friend Piere
8. My parents were sleeping when i got home last night
9. They were waiting for me
10. Why was the baby crying this afternoon?
1. They were drinking tea when I came home. 2. He was walking along the river when a boat passed. 3. The old man was thinking about his plan when he fell asleep. 4. We listened to an interesting lecture yesterday. 5. When I entered the classroom, the teacher was writing words on the blackboard and the pupils were copying them into their exercise-books. 6. They were getting ready to go out when it began raining. 7. Yesterday at one o'clock I had lunch at the canteen. 8. When he came in, I was doing my exercises. 9. What did you do at eight o'clock yesterday? 10. At this time yesterday I was going home. 11. You were sleeping when I went out. 12. He was reading on the sofa when I came in and sat down beside him. 13. I was walking along the street with my friend when a tram passed. 14. She was looking out of the window when I saw her. 15. We were answering the teacher's questions when the headmistress entered the classroom.