I can surely say I am the best Earth's friend. I really love our big planet, and I always try to help it as much as I can. The Earth is in dangerous, nowadays, people tend to pollute it by using a lot of harmful substances, that is why I think it's very important to be its friend. Otherwise, our planet can "die" and we won't find any other dwelling for us. So, how do I try to help it? First of all, I don't through the rubbish wherever I want, but into the trash cans. Secondly, I try to share the idea of how we should look after the planet with my friends, and some of them have been helping me since. When I have the chance to go to the forest, and if I see any rubbish there, I will pick it up and through into the trash can, in case I find any. My help is still too little, so I insist on not being indifferent to the Earth and I believe that some day, we will wake up in the morning and realize that nothing is menacing to our planet!
Дорогой Дедушка мороз. Я очень тебя люблю и верю в тебя. Так как я знаю что у вас есть фабрика игрушек и конфет ,и я бы хотел попросить у тебя что нибудь из этого. Я бы очень рад был если бы вы подарили одну из моих любимых вещей. Вы конечно знаете их , но если что это твои любимые вещи .Заранее большое тебе Дедушка Мороз я тебя люблю. С уважением ваш ... Dear Grandfather frost. I love you and believe in you. Because I know that you have a factory of toys and sweets ,and I would like to ask you something from this. I would be very happy if you gave one of my favorite things. You of course know them , but if they're your favorite things .In advance thank you very much Santa Claus I love you. With respect your ...
My help is still too little, so I insist on not being indifferent to the Earth and I believe that some day, we will wake up in the morning and realize that nothing is menacing to our planet!