Christianity (from the Greek . Christós, literally - the anointed one ) , one of the so-called. world religions (along with Buddhism and Islam ) . H. common in Europe, America , Australia, and , as a result of missionary activity - in Africa, the Middle East and in some parts of the Far East. Accurate data on the number of followers H. absent; according to official church statistics (usually overestimating the number of adherents ), H. professes about 1025 million. (1975). H. ( along with Judaism and Islam ) refers to the monotheistic religions . The main ideas of H.: redemptive mission of Jesus Christ imminent second coming of Christ , the Last Judgment , the heavenly reward and the establishment of the kingdom of heaven. The basis of dogma and worship H. - Bible or Scripture . Christian church incorporated into it the Jewish Old Testament , only a part of the Christian Bible is the New Testament (it includes : four gospels tell of Jesus Christ , " Acts of the Apostles ," Epistles and the Apocalypse ) . Leading directly behind the Sacred Scripture stands tradition that the church raised by " divine right ." In all periods of its history (up to the present day ) H. appears as rival religious movements . Common feature that unites all Christian denominations , churches , sects , is the only faith in Christ , although even here there are differences between them [eg , according to doctrine of most Christian churches, Christ is inherent in the divine and human nature , according to the version of other Christian Churches ( Armenian- Gregorian , Coptic ) , Christ has only the divine nature ] . Main branches H.: 1) Catholicism 2) Orthodoxy [ there are 15 Orthodox autocephalous ( independent ) churches (see Orthodox Church ) and several autonomous churches ], 3 ) Protestantism (includes three major trends - Lutheranism , Calvinism , Anglicanism - and a great The number of sects , many of which have become independent churches - Baptists, Methodists , Adventists , etc.). In addition , H. has several smaller branches - monofisitstvo , Nestorianism , etc. ( More information about the development of certain areas of H. until the modern era , see the relevant articles : Catholicism , Orthodoxy , Protestantism , Lutheranism , Calvinism , etc.). In the USSR, all the main destinations H. act Christian churches operate religious schools that train clergy . H. came in the 2nd half of the 1st century. n . e . in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire originally among the Jews, but in the first decade and has spread among the other ethnic groups. The crisis of the slave system , the heavy social and political oppression provoked mass uprisings of slaves, free poor, subjugated peoples . Rome after the suppression of popular movements in the beginning of 1 . n . e . widespread mood of despair , impotent hatred of the oppressors .
На дереве сидела маленькая остроумная птичка. Большой серый кот подшел к дереву. Он увидел птичку и захотел ее съесть. "У меня на завтрак будет большая птица", - подумал кот. "Доброе утро, мисс Птичка." - сказал он. "Доброе утро, мистер Кот." - ответила птичка. "Хорошие новости!" - сказал кот. "Какие новости?" - сказала птичка "Очень хорошие новости, моя маленькая птичка. Теперь все животные - хорошие друзья! Мы друзья : все коты, собаки и птицы. Приходи ко мне. Я хочу с тобой поговорить.", - сказал кот. Но маленькая птичка была очень сообразительной. "Конечно, ты мой друг. Но я вижу много собак и они как раз направляются к этому дереву.",- сказала птичка. "О, собаки! Я должен идти домой!" - сказал кот. "О, почему, мой дорогой друг? Собаки - также наши друзья" -сказала птица. "Я думаю, они не знают этой новости,"- сказал кот и убежал.
Если не правильно извини. Маленькая умная птица. На дереве сидела маленькая умная птица. Большая серая кошка подошла к дереву. Она увидела маленькую птичку и захотела ещё скушать. Я буду птицу на завтрак думала кошка. Доброе утро, мисс птичка сказала кошка. Доброе утро мисс кошка сказала птица. Хорошие новости сказала кошка! Что за новости? Спросила птица. Кошка сказала "очень хорошие новости, моя маленькая птичка"! Все звери теперь друзья! Мы друзья: Все кошки, собаки и птицы. Спустись ко мне! Я хочу с тобой поговорить. Но птичка была очень умной. Конечно ты мой друг. Но я видела много собак и они на пути к этому дереву. О нет, собаки! Я должна идти домой! Сказала кошка. Но почему мой дорогой друг? Собаки тоже наши друзья сказала птица. Я думаю они не знают новости. Сказала кошка и убежала прочь.
The basis of dogma and worship H. - Bible or Scripture . Christian church incorporated into it the Jewish Old Testament , only a part of the Christian Bible is the New Testament (it includes : four gospels tell of Jesus Christ , " Acts of the Apostles ," Epistles and the Apocalypse ) . Leading directly behind the Sacred Scripture stands tradition that the church raised by " divine right ." In all periods of its history (up to the present day ) H. appears as rival religious movements . Common feature that unites all Christian denominations , churches , sects , is the only faith in Christ , although even here there are differences between them [eg , according to doctrine of most Christian churches, Christ is inherent in the divine and human nature , according to the version of other Christian Churches ( Armenian- Gregorian , Coptic ) , Christ has only the divine nature ] . Main branches H.: 1) Catholicism 2) Orthodoxy [ there are 15 Orthodox autocephalous ( independent ) churches (see Orthodox Church ) and several autonomous churches ], 3 ) Protestantism (includes three major trends - Lutheranism , Calvinism , Anglicanism - and a great The number of sects , many of which have become independent churches - Baptists, Methodists , Adventists , etc.). In addition , H. has several smaller branches - monofisitstvo , Nestorianism , etc. ( More information about the development of certain areas of H. until the modern era , see the relevant articles : Catholicism , Orthodoxy , Protestantism , Lutheranism , Calvinism , etc.). In the USSR, all the main destinations H. act Christian churches operate religious schools that train clergy .
H. came in the 2nd half of the 1st century. n . e . in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire originally among the Jews, but in the first decade and has spread among the other ethnic groups. The crisis of the slave system , the heavy social and political oppression provoked mass uprisings of slaves, free poor, subjugated peoples . Rome after the suppression of popular movements in the beginning of 1 . n . e . widespread mood of despair , impotent hatred of the oppressors .