Yriting Task. Write a book or film review. Criteria: 1. write 3 paragraph review: [3 marks] Paragraph 1: Introduction and your opinion (about the book or film) Paragraph 2: The characters and story. Paragraph 3: Recommendation, 2. use adverbs and highlight then, [1 mark 3. provide grammatically correct sentences: i mark 4. use the key phrases: I've seen/read... The main charucier is ... i lo recommend it, especially if [1 mark)
The whole team are a total of 14 players.Basic rules: Players must keep the ball touches the ground within their filed because if not, we point to the opposing team. If the ball goes just outside the rink, it is a misguided attack on the opponent or a mistake in trying to defend.
I really volleyball it for the fact that it is never worth the time, we always rushing somewhere and move... And I like to throw the ball to the enemy, and stay ahead of the opponent.