Free-time activities Read the short summary of the text about Ann and fill in one word. Ann’s favourite “thing” is a puppy. Of course, she understands that her is not a at all. He is her best . She takes him for a walk and plays games with him. She was so when he fell ill. But he got well and now he is . She is pleased to have a puppy!
Hot Rolling I. The rolling process in a modern steel plant comprises two stages: 1) rolling ingots into semifinished products and 2) rolling the semifinished products into the finished ones. Ingots are usually of a square cross-section with rounded corners, and are first rolled into blooms or billets. These blooms or billets are simply square or rectangular bars of steel which are to be reheated and rolled into the final shapes. (Present Indefinite Passive voice )
A bloom differs from a billet only in size. It is larger and is sometimes reheated and rolled into billets. (Present Indefinite Passive voice ) Slabs are merely thick plates to be reheated and rolled into thinner plates. (Present Indefinite Passive voice ) Blooms, slabs and billets are called the semifinished products as they are subjected to some additional finishing operations. (Present Indefinite Passive voice ) The term “finished” product is usually applied to rails, plates, rounds and different shapes. (Present Indefinite Passive voice )
1) special shapes or sections; 2) plate and sheet steel; 3) tubes; 4) special types of rolled products.
Steel sections are widely used in many branches of the industry for the manufacture of machines, steel structures and so on. (Present Indefinite Passive voice ) Plate and sheet steela are classified according to their thickness. (Present Indefinite Passive voice ) All products over 4 mm thick are called plate steel, comparatively wide products less than 4 mm in thickness are called sheet steel. (Present Indefinite Passive voice ) Special types of rolled products include shapes for automobile and tractor industries, railway industry, for building construction.
III. The main requirements in rolling the finished products are: 1) to obtain a finished product of high quality not only in physical and mechanical properties, but to obtain a good surface as well; 2) to obtain a finished product of the desired size and shape at the highest rate of production and the lowest cost.
endконец, окончание, завершение, часть, цель, крайlastконец, колодка, ласт, выдержка, выносливость, что-либо последнее по времениendingокончание, конец, флексияcloseконец, закрытие, завершение, окончание, заключение, огороженное местоclosingзакрытие, заключение, закрывание, замыкание, конец, запираниеstopостановка, конец, останов, упор, прекращение, , конец, финиш, окончание, законченность, аппретураtipчаевые, наконечник, кончик, совет, верхушка, конецbottomдно, низ, основание, днище, нижняя часть, конецtailхвост, конец, хвостовое оперение, задняя часть, очередь, , оконечность, конец, край, крайность, крайняя , конец, исход, истечение срока, предел, результат
( это синонимы к слову finish)