1- c
2- b
3- e
4- d
5- f
6- a
1. I will take part (или am taking part/ am going to take part) in football match tomorrow.
2. John goes skateboarding every Sunday.
3. Nelly usually swims in the pool every weekend.
4. Alice wanted to set a new record last month.
5. Mary's teacher is proud of her results.
будущее время (можно выразить разными конструкциями в зависимости от вероятности действия. will - низкая вероятность (менее 50%), Pr.Cont- высокая вероятность (более 90%), going to - средняя вероятность (50-90%) регулярное действие (каждое воскресенье) - Pr. Simpleрутина ( обычно) - Pr. Simple факт о факт о настоящемHealthy food is much better and healthier than fast food. In healthy food there are a lot of useful and necessary for the body substances and vitamins. Most people consider home-made food the most delicious. Fast food contains a lot of harmful substances, dyes and preservatives. They are harmful for our health. Every day it is desirable to eat fruits, vegetables and berries. And also to drink clean water about 2 liters a day. It is better to cook the food yourself. This makes the whole family to be more friendly. Besides you save money. With the money you spend in a cafe or restaurant, you can buy a lot of tasty and healthy products and cook, for example, the same French fries at home and not in such large amount of oil. You should watch what and when you eat and then no problems will bother you. .
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