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Insects are a class of invertebrate arthropods. Science has proven that there are more than a million species of insects. The body of insects is covered with a chitinous membrane - a kind of skeleton. It is divided into head, chest, and abdomen. Insects can be both herbivorous and carnivorous. Herbivores feed on plant sap, plants and pollen, while carnivorous insects feed on other insects and their larvae. Who does not know the ladybug? A red beauty with black dots, it turns out she is also a predator, but useful to people. Destroys aphids, spider mites. The world of insects is a world about which you can talk forever

Русский перевод:

Насекомые - класс беспозвоночных членистоногих животных. Наукой доказано что насекомых более миллиона видов. Тело насекомых покрыто хитиновой оболочкой – своеобразным скелетом. Оно разделено на голову, грудь и брюшко. Насекомые могут быть как растительноядные и хищные. Растительноядные питаются соком растений, растениями и пыльцой, в то время как хищные насекомые питаются другими насекомыми и их личинками. Кто же не знает, божью коровку? Красная красотка с черными точками, оказывается она тоже хищник, но полезна людям. Уничтожает тлю, паутинных клещей. Мир насекомых, это мир о котором можно говорить вечно.

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I love spider. Aunt is my unfavourite animal
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The medical profession is one of the oldest and most respected professions. In ancient times people respected and appreciated those who were able to relieve the pain, knowing the cure for diseases.In Russian literature the image of the doctor occupies a prominent place. A particularly deep impression the stories of Anton Chekhov.The moral fall of a young man A. P. Chekhov told readers in the story "Ionych". What noble intentions, high aspirations arrived in the provincial capital S. young Dr. Elders! At first he was afraid, even for a short time to leave the hospital. But gradually, under the influence of a vulgar narrow-minded environment, it has changed. The desire for money, greed ruined it all human. He forgot about the doctor's duty to help people selflessly. The purpose of his life was the money. In another Chekhov story, "the Grasshopper", we see another doctor. Dr. Dymov in the opinion of the companions, a great scholar, the future luminary of science. However, it was important for him not only the science itself, but the life of a particular person. Rescuing a seriously ill boy, the Fumes from it were infected, became ill and died. It is perfect in its noble effort to save the man. So was Chekhov himself, the Holy taken the title of doctor until the end of his life.The names of many doctors have become truly legendary. A man dedicated and loyal to their cause was a Polish doctor and educator Janusz Korczak. In 1940, together with his pupils he was in the ghetto. Friends tried to arrange his escape, but Korczak refused. As a true educator and teacher, he chose to share the fate of their Pets and stayed with them until the end. Going one last time through the streets of Warsaw, he was carried on the hands of the weakest child. Janusz Korczak died in the gas chamber. Your duty as a doctor and educator he has performed to the end and died along with those who were treated and educated.During the great Patriotic war, our nation showed heroism. And how many doctors gave their lives helping the wounded! Under enemy fire, risking their own lives, medical corps, young nurse carried the wounded from the battlefield. But doctors are under enemy fire performed a complicated operation. Many doctors were awarded state awards.In the story of M. A. Sholokhov "the Destiny of man" is an episode. Andrey Sokolov, the driver carrying the shells to the front, came under fire, was wounded and lost consciousness and when I woke up, I was surrounded by Germans. It, along with other prisoners of war were driven to the West. The night they were locked up in a dilapidated Church. Andrew ached sprained hand. And suddenly he heard in the darkness the question: "was anyone Injured?" It was a doctor. He set the shoulder to Andrew, and the pain receded. And the doctor went on with the same question. And in captivity in terrible conditions, he went on "its a great thing to do."The heroism of the doctors who performed the international duty in Afghanistan, says the book of Oleinik, "a Monument in Kabul." In difficult conditions they had to work to Soviet doctors. Field hospitals were shelled by the spooks. Saving the soldiers, the doctors gave them their blood, and sometimes life. They're in the days of peace became heroes. That they get letters from former soldiers-"Afghans" with the words: "Thank You for the fact that I'm alive!"About the complex the doctor tells N. M. Amosov in his book "Thoughts and heart". His skilful hands have returned to normal life, hundreds of people, including children. How many happy children's eyes and watched this wonderful surgeon!Everyone knows the name of a wonderful ophthalmologist Fedorov. How many people has he returned able to see! It is wonderful when after the darkness forming in his eyes again to see bright sun, blue sky and the whole world. The mind of a scientist and sensitive hands the doctor can work wonders.But not only the joy of victory experienced by the doctors. Unfortunately, medicine is not omnipotent. It's tough looking into the eyes of loved ones of the patient, who was not rescued, to say: "We did everything we could, but..." it is Difficult to admit his impotence to the disease.Ancient scientist Avicenna said: "the Doctor should have eyes of a hawk, the girl's hands, the wisdom of the serpent and heart of a lion". These words can be attributed to many doctors in our time.The dedication and selflessness, love for people and desire to help them - an essential quality of the modern physician. Throughout his life he must carry the words from the Hippocratic oath: "whatever house I entered, I will enter there for the benefit of the patient".
4,4(73 оценок)
Как каждому из вас известно, существует три основных цвета: синий, желтый и красный. Все остальные цвета получаются смешением этих трех. Зеленый получается при смешении синего и желтого, оранжевый при смешении желтого и красного, фиолетовый при смешении синего и красного и так далее. Не смотря на то, что цвета это весьма специфическая область символики, они имеют схожее толкование у различных народов, что объясняется схожим типом мышления людей, так, например белый цвет, ни водной из культур Мира не символизирует зла.
Цвета весьма сильно связаны с планетами, сторонами горизонта, астрологией, религиями, но теснее всего симбиотическая связь цветов с исторической дисциплиной, под названием Геральдика. В геральдике даже мельчайшие оттенки гцвета имеют собственное значение.

How to each of you know, there are three main color: Blue, yellow and Red. all other colors are obtained by mixing of these three. Green is obtained by mixing of Blue and yellow, Orange by mixing of yellow and Red, purple with mixing of Blue and Red and so on. despite the fact that the color is a very specific area symbols, they have a similar interpretation in various peoples, due similar type of thinking of people, for example White or water from cultures the world's not symbolizes the evil. colors very strongly related to the planets, the parties Horizon, astrology, religions, but more closely all symbiotic relationship of colors with historical discipline, under the name heraldry. in heraldry even the smallest shades of colors are eigenvalue.
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