ОбъяснеТысяча слов – оживление 50 слов, первое применение.
По вашим создана отдельная тема в обсуждениях группы «Город талантов»: тысяча слов. В ней будут выкладываться стандартные и не стандартные наборы по 50 слов.
Области применения наборов достаточно широкие: это тренировка яркости, скорости воображения, интуиции, ассоциативного мышления, образной, логической памяти, а также направленное воздействие на целый ряд психических процессов, если слова использовать в состоянии Активного Разума с применениемние:
Did Captain Brown' story happen 15 or 20 years ago?
He was a captain on a ship which was going to Washington, wasn't he?
Were they having a very good voyage?
What did the captain hear at night when he couldn’t sleep?
Why was the captain very angry?
The captain told the men to sail north-north-west, didn't he?
When did one of the men see something black in the sea?
Was there a small boat with a man or woman in it?
Did the man go on sleeping while they took him into their boat and sailed towards the ship?
What did the man cry out when he was aboard the ship?
The captain said that he was very pleased that they had been able to save the man?
What was the man name?
Was Captain Wilson happy that he was saved?
Captain Wilson was making a record voyage from New York to Manchester, wasn't he?