Shopping it is necessary thing in modern life. Everyday and everywhere people buy many different things:technique, clothing, food, shoes and more. If we want to buy food, we go to the supermarket or to the shop and buy it. If we go to the supermarket we must find department, wich you need. For example, if you want to buy milk, you must find dairy department. In the supermarket you can pay cash or credit card.
Many girls in the world to spend a fortune on clothes. I think that shopping is more popular with girls than with boys because they enjoy trying clothes on and looking fashionable. Boys find it boring to spend time in shops choosing the right thing. But girls can go to the boutiques for some hours. They like shopping, because according to them, it helps them to avoid stress. Usually, they buy the most expensive dress, to show off to their friends.
If we talk about the time buying, most people do the shopping on weekends, and my family, too. We prefer to go to the nearest supermarket which sells a rich variety of items. Besides, it has a lot of free parking space so we can park our car without any problem. If we are tired, we can go to the rest zone and have some meal at KFC or go to the cinema which is situated in the same building . So in my opinion , it's very comfortable to do shopping in the hypermarket .
Modern life requires new solutions to of household problems. So now we can buy any things over the Internet. First of all, this kind of shopping is convenient when you buy expensive things such as computers or bikes . You may compare prices in different internet shops and choose what you want sitting at home. It can be much cheaper and less of the problem, because you can buy everything you need without leaving home.
However , I don't think people will buy everyday things over the internet because it's quicker to go to the nearest shop and buy what you want rather than to wait until your order will be deliverd.
As for me, my mom always gives me a free hand in choosing my clothes. If i need some expensive clothes or shoes we go shopping together , but i can buy such things as books , t-shirts or accessories myself. I also buy some food bread or dairy products for everyday use.
So, I think, shopping is an important part of our lives. Now we have a lot of different kinds of shops. We ourselves can choose where and how to buy the necessary thing to us. We can choose to buy expensive or cheap thing. Also, we can choose to do shopping alone, with friends or with our family.
But we must not forget that shopping is necessary, but don’t the most important thing in our life.
Держи, надеюсь, подойдет)
1)прямой:подлежащее+сказуемое+дополнение(I go to school)
2)вопрос: вопросительное слово(необязательно)+вс глагол+подл+сказ+доп(when do you go to school)
Вопросительные предложения бывают: общие(требуют ответа да/нет)(вс глагол+подл+сказ ответ yes, подл+вс глагол/Nо,подл+вс глагол+not):,специальные(требуют распространенного ответа)(вопросительное слово+вс глагол+подл+сказ), альтернативные,разделительные;
Это основы, а остальное по временам(у каждого времени свои схемы построения предложений)