Составить план на развлекательный урок по английскому языку(разгадка ребусов, скороговорки и т.п.). Не слишком большой, да и не слишком маленький, ибо уроки по 35 минут. Расписать поэтапно, как будто Вы сами оказались на месте учителя. Преподаю 3-м 7-ым классам, 1 сильный, другой по-слабее, 3-й вообще ни о чем принять это во внимание.
Yes indeed , the most important years of his life is spent in the school. It is here that he finds true friends, determined to choose their lifestyle , he encounters difficulties in life and enjoys his first victories. School remains in the heart of every man light stage of life.
Even in childhood, a person decides whom to be , what profession to choose. The school formed character develops our relationship to the world , here we are taught to think logically . The more a person learns , the more he understands himself , the surroundings , close friends. All important in human destiny begins with school . How you'll be in school years , and so you 'll be in later life.