-Нi, Olya.
-Hi, Misha.
-It's cold today, you're not cold?
-No, you can see how much clother l have.
-Yes, reall, dressed like a cabbage.
-Do not make me laugh. Let's walk in the park.
-Come on, l like to walk on the snow-covered paths.
-What weather forecasters promise?
-+30 degrees, it will be very hot.
-It is necessary to wesr a hat.
-And take an umbrella, in the evening it may be raining.
-Thank you.
-Привет, Оля.
-Привет, Миша.
-Холодно сегодня, ты не замёрзла?
-Нет, ты же видишь, сколько на мне одежды.
-Да, уж, оделась как капуста.
-Не смеши меня. Давай лучше прогуляемся по парку.
-Давай, я люблю гулять по заснеженным дорожкам.
-Какую погоду обещают синоптики?
-+30 градусов, будет жарко.
-Надо обязательно одеть шляпу.
-И зонтик возьми, к вечеру может быть дождь.
5 Change the following sentences into Passive (form two different pairs of
sentences) according to the model.
Sara sent me a letter. - A letter was sent to me by Sara. I was sent a letter by Sara.
1. My friend brought me a souvenir from Paris.
2. My little son hasn't told me the truth.
3. The owner showed the house to the customer.
4. They have promised a wonderful present to Sally.
5. Fred will not sell the car to Charles.
1. I was brought a souvenir from Paris by my friend.
2. I have not been told the truth my my little son.
3. The customer was shown the house by the owner.
4. Sally have been promised a wonderful present.
5. Charles will not been sold the car to by Fred.
1. A souvenir was brought to me from Paris by my friend.
2. The truth has not been told to me my little son.
3. The house was shown to the customer by the owner.
4. A wonderful present has been promised to Sally.
5. The car will not been sold to Charles by Fred.
Some animals see much better that humans. – Некоторые животные видят намного лучше, чем люди.
When will you fix this door? – Когда вы почините эту дверь?
This road leads to the lake. – Эта дорога ведет к озеру.
She doesn’t like this city. – Ей не нравится этот город.
How did you solve the puzzle? – Как вы разгадали головоломку?
He will come back tomorrow. – Он вернется завтра.
Do you sleep well? – Вам хорошо спится?