Recently, I often realize that because of modern technology, people lose their sight. In advertisements I see: eye drops to improve the eyes. In fact, no drops here will help. Vision will progress and deteriorate each time. Maybe someone will improve, but in rare cases. In my opinion, only an operation will help here. And the people who created such drops earn in this way, luring people who so hope for it. in my opinion, it would be better to come up with something useful, for example, a cure for cancer, than a new iPhone, which costs a lot of money. People are getting stupid because of this, also these gadgets that create and affect vision more. I want the world to be smarter and understand simple things in this life.
At monday we have 4 lessons.
First is "Man and world", on this lesson we learn about animals and world.
Second is math, at math we solve different problems.
Third is Art, we draw pictures and learn something about art.
Fourth is P.E. at this lesson we warm up and than we play volleyball, run and e.t.c
At Tuesday we have 4 lessons too.
First is English, we study grammar rules and write texts.
Second is Russian, at this lesson we do same things to English, but it is another language.
Third is Math, we again solve interesting problems.
And fourth is Literature, at this interesting lesson we learn a lot of things about russian poets and their poems.