1. Where is your ... friend? — He is at ... school. He is not at ... home. 2. Michael has .a.. car. His ... car is red. 3. This ... book is on .the.. table. Put .the.. book on .the.. shelf. 4. What’s that? — It’s .a.. pencil. .The.. pencil is long. 5. It’s a bus. ..The. bus is ... big and ... yellow. 6. Where is .the. dog? — ..The. dog is under ..the. bench. 7. Where is his ... son? — His ... son is at ... school. 8. The...sun is shining in .the.. sky.. 9. This is .a.. street. I can see many ... cars and ... buses in .the.. street. 10. This is .a.. tram. What colour is ..the. tram 1. Му friend works at ..an. office. He lives hear .the.. office. 2. Peter is always in ... time for his ... lessons. 3. Who is this ... girl? 4. What is there on .the.. writing-table? — There is .a.. telephone and ..a. radio set. 5. My flat is in .a.. new house. The... flat is large and comfortable. 6. There is no ... tea in my cup. My ... cup is empty. 7. There is ..a. nice park in our ... city. 8. Could you open ..the. window, please? 9. There is .a.. mistake in this ... sentence. 10. Where are .the.. books in your ... room? .The.. books are on ..a/the. shelf. The:... shelf is on .the.. wall. 1. There is ..a. cup on the... table. Give me ..the. cup, please. 2. What is your ... child doing? — She is playing with .a.. ball. ..The. ball is red. 3. There were many children in ..the. park yesterday. 4. My sister is .a.. pupil. She goes to ... school. 5. When does your ... sister leave,... home for ... school? 6. There are many ... schools and ... institutes in my ... city. 7. This ... boy is .the.. fifth son in his ... family. 8. Monday is ..the. second day of ..the. week. 9. You have ..a. book on .the.. table. Is this ... book interesting? 10. There are many articles in the magazine.
Hospitals are places where people are examined and are brought back to good health. I’m lucky because I have never been taken to hospital. ... when she was hit by a car last month. Luckily no bones were broken but she was examined carefully and x-rays were taken. Shewas kept there for a night and she was given a permission to leave the next day. Patients must be taken to hospital as quickly as possible. A lot of people are killed in road accidents and a lot moreare injured but if more ambulances are put into service, more lives can be saved.
Maider is watching
Rosa what are you doing
I’m reading
I’m thinking
I’m love
Woke up
Waking up
Didn’t go
Is the train leaving?
Never play
Always borrows
Do you go
Marta drives
Doesn’t drive