We live in a big house. There are 3 rooms in it such as living room, two bedrooms and a kitchen. The kitchen is very big. There is a window. There is a table and there are four chairs around it. There is a fridge near the wall. There is a microwave and a toaster on the table. Also we have a cooker and a sink in the kitchen. My mother likes cooking in the kitchen. I always help her. I like our kitchen.
Мы живем в большом доме. В нем 3 комнаты: гостиная, две спальни и кухня. Кухня очень большая. В ней есть окно, стол и четыре стула. Возле стены стоит холодильник. На столе стоит микроволновая печь и тостер. В кухне у нас также есть печь и раковина. Моя мама любит готовить на кухне. Я всегда ей Мне нравится наша кухня.
1. What is the most common type of law court in England and Wales?
The most common type of law court in England and Wales is the magistrates’ court.
2. Where do more serious criminal cases go?
More serious criminal cases go to the Crown Court.
3. What is the highest court of appeal in England and Wales?
The highest court of appeal in England and Wales is the House of Lords.
4. What courts do deal with offenders under 17?
Juvenile courts deal with offenders under seventeen.
5. Which courts do investigate violent, sudden and unnatural death?
Coroners’ courts investigate violent, sudden or unnatural deaths.
6. What makes quick, cheap and fair decisions?
Administrative tribunals make quick, cheap and fair decisions.
7. What do administrative tribunals do?
Administrative tribunals deal with professional standards, disputes between individuals, and disputes between individuals and Government departments (for example, over taxation).
8. Who are «Justices of the Peace»?
"Justices of the Peace" (JPs) or "Magistrates" are the vast majority of judges which are unpaid.
9. Are «High Court Judges» paid?
Yes, «High Court Judges» are paid salaries by the State.
1 Did the head teacher propose that we come to his school for 15-20 days in April?
2 Who proposed that we come to his school for 15-20 days in April?
3 Where do we come for 15-20 days in April?
4 When do we come to school for 15-20 days?How long do we come to school in April?