My teacher of the Russian language.The teacher,, his as one, You are a school family dedicate to You all who study with me,Your children call.But children grow up, from school skaidrojumi the life of agouti in the memory the lessons are yours,And you retain.Beloved teacher, dear man,Be the happiest in the world, Though it is difficult sometimes to get tabetai naughty children.(M. Sadowski)the teaching Profession is a very difficult and responsible. How is it noble to give to others knowledge, to be an assistant in life. Of course, not everyone can become a teacher. I think they need to be born. But definitely a lot of work to constantly educate ourselves to the lessons were useful and interesting.Checking notebooks, preparing for the lessons — all this takes a lot of time and effort. In addition, the teacher does not forget to work with underachieving students. The teacher should not only test our knowledge, to explain new topics, but also to educate us and make us kinder, fairer, purer soul.Being a real teacher is a talent. I believe that every teacher is worthy of love and respect. I like all my teachers, but most of all – a teacher of Russian language and literature.Alena Rafik is a young specialist who came to us three years ago. Her external qualities and reflect her inner world: she is a young beautiful, neat, always with the collected hair, with accurately ironed arrows on simply pants. It is characterized by the most valuable human qualities: kindness, fairness, honesty. In her class you can learn a lot. Very often it motivates us, diluting boring subject interesting jobs that we ourselves want to do. Especially a lot we learn from history the Russian language, which really, in my opinion, is a very important and interesting. Alena Rafik teaches us to think, and competently Express their thoughts. We appreciate each lesson, each new fact stated by this teacher. Our teacher of the Russian language is truly universal. It is not only rich knowledge of the Russian language, but also spiritual qualities. We can always share with her their innermost thoughts. Alena Rafik in any situation helps to find the right solution, support. Despite the fact that she is the homeroom teacher for seventh grade, Alena Rafik always helps us in extra-curricular activities: she is so has a creative mind, that each time gives us new ideas for skits, songs, dances and other artistic numbers. Never refuse a request to help. We surprised her baggage of knowledge, because they are not restricted by the subject she teaches.I want to Express from the entire class thanks to our teacher of the Russian language. We are very happy that she came to our school to work. We want her to stay in our school and never left.
1. Какой объект Ливерпуля украшает эта субмарина? А) аэропорт, 2. В нижней части под щитом на ленте написано название государства. Какое? Б) Новая Зеландия , 3) Кому посвящена эта детская площадка? В) Принцессе Диане, 4)Это место считается географическим центром Лондона и отсюда отсчитываются расстояния до других объектов городской инфраструктуры (раньше эту роль выполняли Лондонский камень и Сент-Мэри-ле-Боу). В) Чаринг-кросс , 5)Макет лица какой скульптуры представлен в Музее. А) Статуи Свободы,макет представлен в в Музее заселения Америки,расположенном в цоколе статуи .
that is a good apple.
Henry writes badly.
he speaks English well.
he speaks good English.