1.Read the sentences about food and eating. Complete them by writing the right word in each gap.
In * with * to * of * the * on * down
1 Of course, I accept that fast food has the advantageconvenience.
2 truth is, a lot of our traditional national dishes aren’t very healthy either.
3 Actually, the most important thing ishave a balanced diet.
4 I don’t think a burger and chips provides youenough vitamins.
5 I prefer the range of flavours you gettraditional dishes.
6 If you are inclined to put weight you should eat the correct food.
7 If you want to get the weight, eat non- or low.fat products.
2. Reading.
1. Read the text below and decide which answer (А, В, С or D) best fits each space. There is
an example at the beginning (0).
People today are probably more (0) concerned about food than ever before. We worry about eating
foods that (1)too much fat or carbohydrates and so we cut (2)on things like
meat, bread, potatoes and dairy (3) The problem with making dramatic changes to
our eating (4)like these is that we may also be cutting out good (5)of iron or
other vitamins and minerals. Suddenly we start feeling tired and irritable. The secret of
6)diet is to reduce foods that are (7)in cholesterol while, at the same time,
eating those that are (8)in calcium and iron like soy protein, sesame seeds, spinach and
broccoli. Eating well does not mean that you should cut out all your (9)foods; it just
means eating sensibly and trying to avoid too much (10)…….. food!
0 A interested В concerned С keen D fed up
1 A hold В contain С enclose D carry
2 A out В off С down D up
3 A products В specimens C examples D samples
4 A customs В rules C norms D habits
5 Abases В origins C sources D causes
6 A balanced В neutral C steady D solid
7 A large В tall C high D big
8 A strong В rich C full D wealthy
9 A preferred В lovely C favourite D admired
10 A rubbish В junk C trash D garbage
-They, see, monuments, famous, going to, are
-museums,They, are, visit, going to
- are, They, about, history,going to, the country is, traditions, and, learn
Поствавьте слова в правильном порядке и напишите то, что Джейн и Джон собираются делать в Англии.
- они собираются пройтись и посмотрть на знаменитые памятники.
- они собираются посетить музеи.
- они собираются научится традициям и обычаям и узнать историю англии.