1. We want happiness for all Russians. We want everyone to be free. (L. Tolstoy)
2. In our regiment, I was considered one of the best shooters. (Pushkin)
3. Forgive me, my angel, but your pathetic letter made me laugh. (Pushkin)
4. Herman heard the door slam in the porch, and saw that someone again looked at him through the window (through the window into his room). (Pushkin)
5. The dawn was shining in the east, and the golden rows of clouds seemed to expect sunshine ... (Pushkin)
6. “I did not expect you to be so spiteful,” Lyubochka said. (L. Tolstoy)
7. The shooting (the shooting) turned out to be worse than Levin expected. (L. Tolstoy)
8. Tugilovo is not far from us, only three miles: go for a walk in that direction ... you will meet him, right. (Pushkin)
9. Alexey Alexandrovich ordered tea to go to the office ... (L. Tolstoy)
10 as soon as it happened to us to be alone, we would sit down in a cozy corner and begin to reason, forgetting everything in the world. (L. Tolstoy) 11. He was about thirty-five years old, and for this we revered him as an old man. (Pushkin)
12. She (G. Kiti) was more beautiful than he imagined her. (L. Tolstoy)
13. She [Kіti] was waiting for him to invite her to the waltz (to ask somebody for a waltz), but he did not invite, and she looked at him in surprise. (L. Tolstoy)
14. In the evening ... they went to the pier (pier) to see how the ship came. (Chekhov)
15. Letters from the house came quiet, kind, and, it seemed, everything had already been forgiven and forgotten. (Chekhov)
16. I want to be an artist, I want fame, success, freedom, and you want me to continue living in this city, to continue this empty (dull) useless life that has become unbearable for me. (Chekhov)
1) She speaks English well.
Does she speak English well? (общий вопрос)
She speaks English well or very badly? (альтернативный)
What language does she speak well? (специальный)
She speaks English well, doesn't she? (разделительный)
4) Julia and her friends go to the cinema every week.
Do Julia and her friends go to the cinema every week? (общий вопрос)
Do Julia and her friends go to the cinema every week or once a month? (альтернативный)
How often do Julia and her friends go to the cinema? (специальный)
Julia and her friends go to the cinema every week, don't they? (разделительный)
5) Yesterday they went shopping.
Did they go shopping yesterday? (общий вопрос)
Did they go shopping yesterday or last week? (альтернативный)
When did they go shopping? (специальный)
Yesterday they went shopping, didn't they? (разделительный)
7) Julia's friends have finished studies.
Have Julia's friends finished studies? (общий вопрос)
Have Julia's friends finished or started studies? (альтернативный)
What have Julia's friends finished? (специальный)
Julia's friends have finished studies, haven't they? (разделительный)
8) They are looking for jobs now.
Are they looking for jobs now? (общий)
Are they looking for jobs or cars now? (альтернативный)
What are they are looking for now? (специальный)
They are looking for jobs now, aren't they? (разделительный)