My Last weekend was great.
Saturday i went to school and then went for a walk with my best friend.Sunday i went with my family to the dacha and we fried shish kebab.Next,i was doing my homework for Monday.Then i went dancing and learned a new dance.When i came back from dancing,my family and i were drinking tea with a delicious cake.Then i watched the movie.And went to bed to get up early for school tomorrow.
Списала с тетради своей,признаюсь информация с интернета.Проверено мной и учителем.
1. A very good book was offered to him. He was offered a very good book.
2. I am given fruit and sandwiches for lunch every day. Fruit and sandviches are given to me for lunch every day.
3. Peter's children were told a lot of interesting things about wild animal. A lot of interesting things were told to Peter's children.
4. A dog was promised to them. They were promised a dog.
5. A lot of money were paid to Bill Gates. Bill Gates was paid a lot of money.
6. She was offered a help. A help was offered to her.
7. I was given some very good advice. Some very good advice was given to me.
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