To stand out (for smb) - to be very easy to see or notice (выделяться)
Look back (on smth) - to remember something in the past (обращаться к вспоминать)
Memorable for - if an occasion is memorable, you will remember it for a long time because it is so good (незабываемый, памятный)
To feature - to include someone or something as an important part (показывать в главной роли, включать)
Lookalike - someone who looks very similar to a famous person (двойник, копия)
Be proud (of smth) - feeling very pleased about something you have done, something you own, or someone you know (гордый)
Hair - волосы
Eye - глаза
Head - голова
Arm - рука
Face - лицо
Teeth - зубы
Foot - ступня
Moustache - усы
Leg - нога
Lips - губы
Hand - ладонь
Nose - нос
Ear - ухо
Mouth - рот