Find the English equivalents of these words and phrases in the texts
in a broad sense, they learn skills, acquire knowledge about themselves, useful schemes, ways of learning, formal, informal, everyday life, for example, listening, trying, with good manners, ride a bike, give a phonecall, on their own initiative, bookshop, have exams, in most countries, early childhood, who isincharge, who is heading, in time, at about the same speed, classmates, must pass exams, diploma, evaluation of their success, gifted children, children with physical or mental disabilities, education for adults, continue after school, a large amount of money, citizens, general education, professional education, has as a goal, intelligent, responsible, well-informed, to pass a common cultural heritage, more than, trained professionals, primary education, lifelong learning, secondary schools, professional programs, carpentry, plumbing, professional training, individual, engineering, law
1. Этот фантастический …. был окрашен внутри великим художником. 2. Если Вы не осторожны, огонь может …. лес. 3. Вы не имеете к …., никто не может услышать нас. 4. Нью-Йорк лучше всего рассматривается от …. 5. Мама испекла ….. шоколадный пирог для меня. Это было невероятно! 6. Купол …. давно. 7. У дома есть ….. и система кондиционирования воздуха. 8. Этот захватывающий отель был разработан известным … … 9. Мы не могли взять глаза от этого ….. замок. это было что-то чудесное! 10. Мы пробуем к ….. деньги, чтобы купить дом.
Есть вообще-то переводчик. Легче перевести оттуда чем ждать 3 часа.
1) Everybody C) was shocked___by the terrible news yesterday.
2) Roses __ D)are grownin greenhouses in winter
3) The story___ C) will be translatedtomorrrow
4) Houses c) areusually built of bricks.
5) Micky Mouse ___ C) was createdby Walt Disney in the 20th century.
6) The book ___ C) wasn't read yesterday.
7)Your blouse ___ A) is being ironed now.
8) Taxi __ C) will be called___ for you in the morning.
9) Her wedding dress __ C)was made___ by famous designer.
10) The word must __ C) write without any mistake.
11) The new stadium ___ D) will be built__ by the end of the next summer.
12) The article _ D) had been translated already when we came to the office.
13) The law of gravity __WAS DISCOVERED_by Newton
14) Our rooms ___ARE CLEANED ___ every day.
15) The new film __WILL BE DISCUSSED___ at the press-conference tomorrow.
16) The letter __HAD BEEN DELIVERED __by a postman recently.
17) The next Summer Olympic Games __WILL BE HELD in Paris.